By saving your shopping preferences, you can find relevant results and personalized recommendations more quickly. For example, you can save your favorite brands, department, and style preferences. Your shopping preferences may be reflected on Search, Shopping, Discover and other Google surfaces.
Save your department preference
You can save your retail department preference, such as Men’s or Women’s, when you search for an apparel product category.
To save your department preference:
- On your device, go to
- Search for a product category, like
orwinter coat
. - Set the filter to one of the options, like Women’s or Men’s.
- When the prompt appears:
- To save your preference, choose Save.
- To decline, choose Don’t save.
- If you shop in all departments, you don’t have to set a department preference.
- As Google improves the shopping experience, inclusive products and features are a priority.
- This feature doesn’t ask for your gender identification.
Save your favorite brands
You can save brands in some product categories, like “jeans” or “shoes.” Products from your favorite brands will show up more often in your search results. You can update your favorite brands in your shopping preferences.
To save your brand preferences:
- On your device, go to
- Search for a product category, like
orwinter coat
. - Scroll down to “Save your favorite brands.”
- Select which brands to save.
The next time you search for clothes, you’ll see more results matching your brands.
Save your virtual Try-on model
You can save your preferred virtual Try-on model in some product categories, like “women’s tops.” Virtual try-on for apparel shows you how clothes look on various real models.
To save your Try-On model preference:
- On your device, go to
- Search for a product category, like
. - Scroll down to find a product that says “Try-on.”
- To see more details about the product, tap on it.
- To select your preferred model, on the product viewer, click Try-on models.
- Your selection is saved automatically.
- When available, the product shows the garment on your preferred model by default.
- To remove your saved model, on the product viewer, select More
Remove saved model
Save your style preferences
You can save style preferences in some product categories, like jeans
or shoes
. Products similar to your style preferences show up often in your search results. You can manage your liked styles in your shopping preferences.
To save your style preferences:
- On your device, go to
- Search for a product category, like
orwinter coats
. - Scroll to “Get style recommendations.”
- To specify your style preferences, you can like and dislike items.
Manage your preferences
When preferences are applied to shopping-related searches, the Personalization displays below the search box. You can update your preferences next to any shopping result or through the Personalization icon.
To change your preferences:
- On your device, go to
- Search for a product category, like
. - Below any product result, select More
About this result.
- Select Manage your shopping preferences.