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Find books on Google

When you search for books, Google can make suggestions to help you find what to read.

Important: This feature is only available on mobile devices in English in the United States.

Browse, save & read books

  1. Go to or open the Google app Google app.
  2. Search for a genre, author, or other book theme like sci-fi novels or books about gardening.
  3. To narrow your search, at the top of search results, tap different options.
  4. Choose a book, then tap Reading list Save or Already read True.
  5. To find how to read a book, choose an option or tap All read options

Find & edit your reading lists

  1. On Google, search what to read.
    • To find and edit your lists, sign in to your Google Account.
  2. At the top right, tap More  and then Your books Save.
  3. To edit your list:
    • To update a book on your list: Tap Already read True.
    • To remove a book from your list: Tap Reading list Save.

How recommendations work

Book recommendations are based on what's popular or trending in Google products, what’s mentioned across the web, and what’s new.

If you’re signed in to your Google Account and have personal results turned on, Google’s recommendations are also based on your activity like:

  • Past searches and browsing history.
  • Books you’ve saved and marked as read.
  • Book preferences you set, like Upvotes and Downvotes.
Learn how to view and control activity in your account.

Turn off personalized recommendations

If you don't want personalized recommendations, you can turn off personal results.

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