You can use Data Highlighter to tag data about your business, such as its name, address, customer reviews, and ratings. Then Google can present your data more attractively -- and in new ways -- in search results and in other products. (Each Google product applies its own rules when deciding whether and how to display your data.)
Local business tags
You can use Data Highlighter to tag any of the data described in the table below. Each tag corresponds to a property in the schema. The name of each tag is followed by the name of the property in parentheses. Required tags are listed in bold.
Note that the data you can tag with Data Highlighter is a subset of the properties in the schema.
If your site is missing any of the data described below, you can add missing data from Data Highlighter. If Data Highlighter has a low level of confidence in the tagged data, an alert icon (
) displays while you are creating a page set. Data Highlighter will still make the low-confidence data available to Google, but other Google products might not use it.
Tag |
Description |
(name) |
The name of the business. |
(address) |
The physical address of the local business. For example,
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Moutainview, CA |
(telephone) |
The business's telephone number. |
Opening Hours
(openingHours) |
The hours that the business is open.
Highlight the entire block of opening hours information as a single tag. If the block starts with a text label, don't include the label. For example:
Retail Hours (don't highlight the label)
Mon-Fri 7:00am - 9:00pm
Sat 8:00am - 6:00pm
Sun Closed
(additionalType) |
The type of business. For example Hardware or Clothing. You can tag more than one category. |
(image) |
An image of the local business. For example, you can tag an image of the storefront or sign. You can tag more than one image. |
(url) |
The URL of the business's web site. |
Average Rating (aggregateRating) |
The overall rating of the business, specified by the following tags (see Tagging ratings for more information):
Tag |
Description |
(ratingValue and
bestRating) |
Words, numbers, or an image that describes the rating. The rating must specify the best possible rating and the actual rating.
If a single piece of data specifes both the best possible rating and the actual rating, you can use a single Rating tag. For example, tag 65% to indicate a score of 65 out of 100; tag 8 out of 10 to indicate a score of 8 out of 10.
If the data is in different locations on a page, specify the following tags:
Score (ratingValue) - The actual rating.
Best Possible (bestRating) - The highest value in the rating system. For example, if the rating scale is between one and five stars, specify 5 as the best rating.
(ratingCount) |
The total number of ratings. |
(review) |
A review of the business. You can tag more than one review. Use the following tags for each review:
Tag |
Description |
(author) |
The person or organization that wrote the review. |
Review text
(reviewBody) |
The text or content of the review. Note: This is not supported in Books data type. |
Review Rating
(aggregateRating) |
The rating that other people have given to the review (see Tagging ratings for more information). You'll need three pieces of information for a rating: the actual rating, the best possible rating, and the total number of ratings.
Some pages display the actual rating and the best possible rating in a single piece of text or image. Other pages display the two values in separate locations.
If a single piece of data specifes or implies both the best possible rating and the actual rating, use the following tags:
Rating (bestRating and ratingValue) - The rating of the review. For example, tag 65% to indicate a score of 65 out of 100; tag 8 out of 10 to indicate a score of 8 out of 10.
Votes ( ratingCount) - The total number of ratings.
If the data is in different locations on a page, use the following tags:
Score (ratingValue) - The actual rating. For example, tag 8 if the page lists 8 as the rating without listing the best possible rating nearby.
Best Possible (bestRating) - The highest value in the rating system. For example, tag 10 if the page specifies the best possible rating in the footer.
Votes ( ratingCount) - The total number of ratings.
Review Date
(datePublished) |
The date on which the review was published. For details on how to tag dates, see Tagging Dates.
Here are some examples of dates you can tag:
- A single date. For example, you can tag any of the following:
- June 4, 2012
- 4 June 2012
- 6/4/12 - Your tags can include other delimiters and four-digit years as well, such as 6-4-2012. When numerical dates are ambiguous, Google assumes that the first number is the month. For example, 6/4/12 is intrepreted as June 4, 2012, while 13/4/12 would be interpreted as April 13, 2012.
You can tag multiple dates on a page. For example, if you tag June 4, 2012 and June 6, 2012, the event will be intepreted as occuring twice: once on June 4th and once on June 6th.
- A range of days. For example, June 4-7 2012
Note that delimiter between the beginning and ending days needs to be a dash (-).
- Dates with times. For example, you can tag any of the following:
- June 4, 2012 3pm - a time followed by am or pm. Google uses normal business hours to interpet times not followed by am or pm. For example, 11 would be interpreted as 11am and 2 would be interpreted as 2pm.
- June 4, 2012 15:00 - military time
- June 4, 2012 3pm EST or June 4, 2012 3pm -5:00 - Times with a time zone or with a UTC/GMT offset.
- June 4, 2012 2-3pm or June 4-5, 2012 2-3pm - Time ranges with or without a date range.
- Dates in separate pieces.You can use the advanced tagging option to tag the following separate pieces of text as a single date:
- Day: Tuesday, June 4 Year: 2013
- June 4 | Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm and 2012
Google does not recognize date ranges that have been split into multiple tags. For example, the following tags are not valid date tags: