Trang bạn đã yêu cầu hiện không có sẵn bằng ngôn ngữ của bạn. Bạn có thể chọn ngôn ngữ khác ở cuối trang hoặc dịch nhanh mọi trang web sang ngôn ngữ mà bạn chọn bằng cách sử dụng tính năng dịch được tích hợp sẵn trong Google Chrome.

Get info and do tasks on your watch quickly

You can see different info and do certain tasks on your watch when you swipe from right to left. You can get details like:

Choose what info and actions to add

On your watch

  1. If your watch screen is dim, tap it to wake up the watch.
  2. Swipe from right to left.
  3. Touch and hold the screen.
  4. Swipe left until you reach the last item, then tap Add tile Plus.
  5. Tap the option you want to add.

On your phone

  1. On your phone, open the Wear OS app Wear OS by Google or the companion app for your device.
    • If you use the companion app, follow the app instructions.
  2. At the bottom, under "Settings," tap Tiles.
  3. At the bottom, tap Add Plus.
  4. Tap the option you want to add.

Tip: To get to the tile you added, go to the home screen on your watch, then swipe left.

Move or delete tiles

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