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Suggest an edit on the Waze Map Editor

The Waze map stays up to date with the help of our amazing community of map editors. Not part of the community and want to contribute to the map? Join the Waze Map Editor Community.

Different objects in the Waze Map Editor can only be updated by editors of a certain level, to make sure the map is as accurate as possible. Learn more about map editing levels.

If you want to make a change to an object, but haven’t reached the required level, you can still suggest an edit and contribute to the map.

Note: Make sure to save your edits and suggestions separately. If you want to make a suggestion, but also have unsaved map edits, save the edits first.

Suggest an edit on the Waze Map Editor

  1. Log in to the Waze Map Editor
  2. Click , in the sidebar
  3. Click the segment you want to edit
  4. Add the information you want to edit
  5. Click Send for review
  6. Explain why you’d like this change to be made

Your suggestion will be added to the Issue Tracker, where it will be reviewed by the local map editors community. You’ll get an email with their decision. Both you and the volunteer editor will get map edits for your suggestion.

Got questions?

Need more help? Check out our Waze Community forum for more questions and answers about Map editing

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