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Customize your alerts

Set what alerts you get and how you get them.

  1. Open Waze
  2. Tap 
  3. Tap Settings
  4. Tap Alerts and reports
  5. Tap Reports. A list of all report types appears. 
  1. Select the relevant alert:
    Note: Alerts may vary based on your location.
  1. Set your alert preferences:
    • Show on map: When turned on, you'll see alerts on the map
    • Alert while driving: When turned on, you'll get a voice alert and an alert will pop up on your screen
      Note: Alert preferences may vary between alerts.

Note: Waze may show you different alerts where you need to pay more attention to the road, such as when you are approaching an accident-prone segment, where there is a hazard on the road, a significant speed decrease and more.

Please note that in order to minimize drivers' distraction, we limit the amount of alerts a driver may see on a single route. We also prioritize the alerts you get based on different factors such as how familiar you are with the road and the number and types of alerts that are relevant to your route. This means that you may not get alerted about everything on your route and drivers’ discretion is still necessary.

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