To make sure our support team can assist you at all times, it’s important to keep your contact information up-to-date.
Follow the steps below to update your contact information.
What to know about updating your contact information
- Once you follow the steps below, your contact information will be automatically updated in our system
- After it’s updated, Support will use the new number or email address any time there’s a support issue and we need to contact you
- During trips you can always call us through the “HELP” button, or from the "Support" tab in the app.
How to update your phone number
- Open the Waymo One app
- Tap the “Account" icon in the bottom menu
- Select “Edit account” under your name
- Scroll down to the phone number under your profile picture. This is the number we currently have on file for you.
- Tap the "Edit"
icon next to the phone number
- Type in your new phone number
How to update your email address
Your Waymo One account is connected to your Google account.
To change your email address, you'll need to change the email address associated with your Google account.