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Train and Bus queries on Google Search

When you search for queries such as "trains to Munich" or "buses from Madrid to Granada," you may notice more visual and entity focused results. This is a web result user experience that aims to:

  • Present users with rich and relevant information for their searches
  • Improve the visibility of the ecosystem (train and bus operators, aggregators and online travel agents) on the search results page

Trains and buses schedule unit

This unit gives users a list of available trains or buses for the user’s requested route, along with price information. These prices are gathered directly from our partners.

Trains from Munich to Berlin

Transport sites

This unit gives users easy access to the top-ranked aggregators for their train or bus query.

Transport sites

How third parties can participate

This user experience is currently launched to users in the European Economic Area (EEA) only. If your business is based in the EEA, or serves users in the EEA, and you would like to participate in this experience, please start by filling out the form here.

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