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Container notifications

To stay up to speed on activity in your Tag Manager containers, you can turn on email notifications about key actions (e.g. containers being versioned and published, new approval requests, etc.). You can manage your preferences for notifications on a container-by-container basis or globally set defaults for notifications you want to receive across all containers that you have access to.

Default container notifications

Configure your default container notifications to globally set which notifications you want to receive across all containers that you have access to. You can manage default container notifications in your user settings:

  1. In the upper right corner of the Tag Manager interface, click the More Actions menu (⋮) and select User settings.
  2. Adjust your preferred settings in the Default Container Notifications section.
  3. Click Save.

Container-specific notifications

To receive notifications for individual containers or to override your default container notification settings for specific containers, you can configure your container notifications through Tag Manager’s Admin screen: When working within a container, click Admin > Container Notifications.

  1. Adjust your preferred settings for Container Notifications.
  2. Click Save.

Notification settings

Notifications are sent as emails addressed to your Google user account. Each Tag Manager user can turn on and adjust their own notification preferences. Notifications are currently available when:

  • A version is published (Options: Never, Live environment only*, Always)
  • A new version is created but not published (Options: Never, Always)

* When "Live environment only" is selected, notifications will be sent only when a container is published to your live production environment (i.e. not a custom environment such as “QA” or “Dev”).

For containers in Tag Manager 360 accounts, notifications are also available for Approvals tasks when:

  • A workspace is sent for approval (Options: Never, Only when I am tagged as an approver, Always)
  • A workspace is withdrawn (Options: Never, Only when I am tagged as an approver, Always)
  • A workspace is reviewed and sent back (Options: Never, Only for approvals I requested, Always)

You can easily unsubscribe from a category of notifications by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of a notification email or by revisiting your notification preferences in the Tag Manager interface.





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