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Built-in variables for Android containers


App ID: The value is set to the package name ("Android") or bundle ID ("iOS").

App Name: The value is set to the name of the application.

App Version Code: The value is set to the version of the application.

SDK Version: The value is set to the SDK version of the operating system in which the application is installed.


Advertiser ID: For Android, the value is set to the Advertising ID. SDK versions prior to v4 will always return an empty string. For iOS versions 6 and higher, the value is set to the identifier for advertising (IDFA). For older iOS version the value is set to an empty string.

Device Name: The value is set to the device name of the application (e.g. "Samsung Android", "Android SDK built for x86").

Language: The value is set to the two letter language code that represents the language that the user has set for the device.

OS Version: The value is set to the version of the operating system in which the application is installed.

Platform: The value is set to the platform of the application (e.g. "Android").

Screen Resolution: The value is set to the screen resolution of the device of the currently running application. The format is "width x height", e.g. "1024x768".


Advertiser Tracking Enabled: For Android, this returns true if ad tracking is enabled, or false if the user has opted out of interest-based ads. SDK versions prior to v4 will always return false. For iOS versions 6 and greater, the value is set to the advertisingTrackingEnabled property. Otherwise, the value is set to true.

Container ID: Provides the container's public ID, e.g. "GTM-XKCD11".

Container Version: Provides the version number of the container, as a string.

Event Name: Returns the event name that caused the trigger to fire.

Random Number: generates a random integer between 0 and 2147483647.

Campaign Event Parameters

Campaign: Install/re-engagement campaign name.

Campaign aclid: Install/re-engagement campaign other click ID.

Campaign anid: Install/re-engagement campaign ad network ID.

Campaign click timestamp: Install/re-engagement campaign click timestamp.

Campaign content: Install/re-engagement campaign content.

Campaign cp1: Install/re-engagement campaign custom param 1.

Campaign gclid: Install/re-engagement campaign Google Click Identifier.

Campaign source: Install/re-engagement campaign source.

Campaign term: Install/re-engagement campaign search term.

Other Event Parameters

Previous application version: Returns the previous application version.

Previous OS version: Returns the previous operating system version that the app is installed on.

Dynamic Link ID: Returns the dynamic link ID parameter.

Dynamic Link Accept Time: Returns the dynamic link accept time parameter.

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