
The Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration tag is now the Google tag. GA4 Configuration tags in a web container will be automatically migrated starting in September. There are no changes to your existing measurement and there is no action required from you. Learn more

Mapping ad_storage to ad_user_data

This article is for customers who have implemented ad_storage but do not use ad_user_data and have traffic in the European Economic Area (EEA).


In November 2023, we introduced two additional consent mode parameters in the consent mode API referred to as consent mode (v2) to support specific user consent for data sent to Google:

  • ad_user_data: Sets consent for sending user data to Google for advertising purposes.
  • ad_personalization: Sets consent for personalized advertising.

From March 2024, EEA customers using consent mode (v1) will see the value of the ad_storage parameter automatically mapped to the value of the new ad_user_data parameter. This ensures that when consent is granted or denied for ad_storage, ad_user_data will respect the same consent setting, ensuring that the performance measurement capabilities of your original implementation continue to work as-expected. This will be a one-time mapping and you can opt out of this by updating your consent mode implementation to consent mode (v2)..

Why Google's making this change

As part of Google’s ongoing commitment to a privacy-centric digital advertising ecosystem, we are strengthening the enforcement of our EU user consent policy. Advertisers must adhere to the EU consent policy to use ad personalization. In 2024, our enforcement action will also impact measurement features and apply to data from:

  • Websites: Tags that send data to Google.
  • Apps: SDKs that send data to Google.
  • Data uploads: Tools to upload data from non-Google sources, such as offline conversion imports or store sales.

To keep using measurement, ad personalization, and remarketing features, you must collect consent for use of personal data from end users based in the EEA and share consent signals with Google. The requirements also apply if you are using Google Analytics data with a Google service in the EEA.

What you should do now

If you want to continue with mapping ad_storage to ad_user_data, no action is required for existing users of consent mode for measurement purposes.

Starting in March 2024, the consent states (“granted” / “denied”) associated with ad_storage will be mapped to ad_user_data automatically. This means that both the default consent state and user-selected consent state for ad_storage will also be applied to the ad_user_data parameter, and measurement features for consent mode will continue to work as-expected.

Frequently asked questions

How do I opt out of this change?

If you do not wish to have your ad_user_data settings automatically mapped to ad_storage for EEA users, you may implement the new consent mode parameters directly in your Google tag setup in order to set and control the parameters independently.

Does this preserve my audiences?

No changes will be made to your configuration for the ad_personalization parameter. To continue using ad personalization functionalities such as tag-based remarketing features   through Google Ads, Google Analytics 4, or Google Marketing Platform, you should  implement the new consent mode parameters directly in your Google tag setup or via Google’s CMP Partner Program  who has completed the upgrade to the latest version of consent mode (v2). Learn more about the Updates to consent mode for traffic in the European Economic Area (EEA).

Will every EEA consent mode customer need to take action?

No, to maintain measurement functionality, no action is required for customers who have already implemented consent mode. However, if customers need to preserve audience / personalization functionality in the EEA, then they may need to update their implementation of consent mode.

What if EEA consent mode customers don’t want to have their settings automatically mapped?

If customers do not wish to have these settings automatically mapped, they may implement the new consent mode parameters directly in their Google tag setup in order to set and control the parameters independently.

What about consent mode customers who don’t actively advertise in the EEA?

If you don't advertise in the EEA, no action is needed. Similarly, even if you do advertise in the EEA, but you only care about performance measurement (not ad personalization), no action is needed. Only those with multiple domains should ensure that consent mode is scaled across all of their domains.

Why do we automatically map "ad_storage" to "ad_user_data" while a manual upgrade to consent mode (V2) is required for "ad_personalization"?

The ad_user_data and ad_personalization parameters fulfill different purposes:

  • The ad_user_data parameter is a new parameter that's associated with ad_storage, and can therefore be mapped. If you prefer, you can separately declare ad_user_data by updating to consent mode (v2).
  • We've added the ad_personalization parameter to the upgraded consent mode (v2) to make it easier for advertisers to send this consent for tag based audience functionality.

For support with upgrading consent mode (V2) we recommend working with a Google CMP partner.

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