الصفحة التي طلبتها غير متوفرة بلغتك حاليًا. يمكنك اختيار لغة مختلفة في أسفل الصفحة أو ترجمة أي صفحة ويب على الفور إلى لغة من اختيارك، وذلك باستخدام ميزة الترجمة المضمّنة في Google Chrome.

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Tag Assistant

Important: Tag Assistant Legacy and Tag Assistant Companion will be combined into a single extension that supports both sets of features. If you have both of these extensions installed, the Tag Assistant Companion will be uninstalled automatically after the Tag Assistant Legacy extension is updated. The Tag Assistant Companion extension will still work, but will be deprecated in 2025.

The Tag Assistant extension will be the unified Chrome extension solution for Tag troubleshooting. Install the Tag Assistant extension.

Tag Assistant is a Google Chrome extension that helps you troubleshoot and correct issues with your Google Tag Manager and Google tag implementation. Using Tag Assistant, you can verify that your Google tags are firing correctly and that the data they're sending is accurate. This can help you identify issues such as missing or duplicated tags, incorrect tag configurations, and data discrepancies.

The Tag Assistant extension includes a side panel that allows you to see and check all the tags firing on your page. The “Troubleshoot” button activates our debug mode using tagassistant.google.com. This advanced tool allows you to debug your website, including iframes, within a single session, providing detailed diagnostics to help you validate, diagnose, and resolve your implementation. Session data is available for review on tagassistant.google.com.

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