Consent mode allows you to adjust how your Google tags behave based on the consent status of your users and enables Google to model for gaps in conversions. You can view the impact of consent mode on your conversion volume using the consent mode impact results. The impact metric shows changes in reported conversions due to conversion modeling for consent mode for your eligible domain and countries. Learn more about consent mode modeling
When conversion modeling goes live, you’ll be able to view your conversion modeling uplift on “domain x country level” in the Diagnostics tab.
Finding your consent mode impact results
You can find your consent mode impact results in Google Ads using 2 methods:
Tracking status hover card
- In your Google Ads account, click the Goals icon
- Click the Conversions drop down in the section menu and click Summary.
- In the upper right hand corner of the "Summary" page, click View all conversion actions.
- Find the conversion action you want to check. Under the “Tracking status” column, your conversion action should indicate “Recording conversions” with an arrow icon
. Hover over it and a card will show the status of the conversion tag.
- If consent mode has been implemented, the hovercard should indicate “Conversion modeling for consent mode is active".
- Click View Impact. You’ll be redirected to the Diagnostics page.
Conversion diagnostic tab
- In your Google Ads account, click the Goals icon
- Click the Conversions drop down in the section menu and click Summary.
- In the conversion actions table, click on a conversion action with this icon in the status column
- On the top page menu, click the Diagnostics tab. You can view your consent mode impact results.
How consent mode impact results are calculated
Consent mode impact is the uplift in conversions after implementing consent mode, which is called the modeling start date. It’s calculated by the formula:
Uplift is calculated for each domain x country pair. Each pairing represents a slice of traffic with its own consent mode impact results. This metric is refreshed every week.
When will the uplift numbers be shown?
Modeling uplift numbers will be shown for 4 weeks after the modeling start date. You can refer to the modeling start date column to know the start of the 4-week time period. The data is downloadable and will refresh weekly until the 4 weeks are over.
Some domains and countries may not be reported due to low modeling uplift.
You’ll need to meet volume and modeling thresholds for a country in order to view modeling uplift impact results. If you meet these thresholds, you can expect to view impact results as soon as 7 days after you implement consent mode.
The 4-week timeline starts from the date that modeling goes live, even if a country x domain doesn't meet uplift thresholds to be shown in reporting. If you're already eligible for conversion modeling from consent mode, the 4-week timeline will start from the modeling start date and will be visible if a country x domain meets reporting thresholds.
Troubleshooting lower uplift than expected
To receive full modeling benefits, make sure that you have implemented consent mode correctly on all pages of your website. If uplift is lower than you expected it to be, it could be for these reasons:
- Consent mode isn't detected on some pages: When consent mode isn't detected on 100% of your pages you can experience gaps in modeling. Make sure your:
- Global site tag is present on all pages.
- Consent state is set on all pages.
- Default or update call is firing before Google tags fire.
- The ad click consent rates we detect from a domain are too low to receive full modeling benefits: Your consent banner provider (CMP) may be best positioned to advise you on optimizing consent rates. Make sure your:
- Default and update calls are set in the right order.
- Default or update call is firing before Google tags fire.
- Banner meets regulatory guidance for your region.
- Unblock tags to fire cookieless pings for users that don't consent to conversion tracking: Cookieless pings have no ad click identifier sent if data redaction = true. The pings can provide more accuracy and improve modeling results. Learn more about how to manage consent settings
Utilize Google Tag Assistant as a tool to help you determine if consent mode is correctly implemented on a page.
Troubleshooting missing impact results and uplift data
If the consent mode impact results of a certain country aren’t available in your report, it may be due to one of several possible reasons:
- Consent mode hasn’t been implemented for at least 7 full days.
- The 4-week window of modeling impact results has passed. Modeling uplift data is only shown for 4 weeks after the modeling start date.
- We don’t have enough data to model for that domain and country.
- The domain x country has active conversion modeling, but the uplift is below 1%, which is the minimum threshold to appear in your impact results.
If the uplift data of all or one of your largest geographic segments is missing, then there may be an implementation issue. Double-check your consent mode implementation by using the instructions for global site tag or consent configuration with Google Tag Manager.