View your publisher dashboard

Your publisher dashboard provides daily reporting on the number of surveys served on your site. Within your dashboard, you'll see columns for impressions, questions, answers, earned access, earned extended access, other actions, unanswered, completion rate, RPM, and total payment due. Definitions for these metrics are provided below and also included in our glossary.

In this article:

Reporting dashboard columns

Surveys Served The number of times your website requested a survey and one was available to be shown. This does not mean the user actively viewed it.
Surveys Viewed The number of times where a survey appears in a viewable space on the user's device.
Surveys Completed to Earn Access The number of surveys completed that allowed users to gain access to content.
Alternative Actions The number of users who chose an alternative action that the publisher specified (e.g. skip).
Completion Rate The completion rate represents the number of respondents who completed a survey divided by the number of times it was viewed.
Total Questions Answered The total number of individual questions answered.
Average Questions Answered per Survey Total Questions Answered divided by Surveys Completed to Earn Access
RPM The estimated earnings per 1000 impressions received and is calculated by Total Payment Due / Surveys Viewed * 1000.
Total Payment Due The amount due to the publisher for the given day.
Are there any known reporting delays?
Please note that data from the past 7 days may change as results finish processing. Additionally, there may be times where the reports are delayed for a few days, but data continues to collect. Any reporting delay will not negatively affect your earnings.
Can I export the data from the publisher dashboard?
You can easily export your report to a spreadsheet by selecting the data, then copying and pasting to a spreadsheet.
Where can I see my earnings?
You see your daily earnings in the Total payment due column in your publisher dashboard. Additionally, you can view your earnings in AdSense.
How can I measure success based on the data that I'm seeing?
For more information on measuring the success of surveys on your site, read Analyze survey impact on your site

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