
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Generate and manage upgraded inventory campaigns

Copy an inventory template

You can copy inventory templates across advertisers within the same agency. Inventory templates can be copied into different inventory plans.

Copy an inventory template

  1. Navigate to an advertiser:
    Steps for navigating to an advertiser
    1. Click the navigation bar to display navigation options.

    2. In the "Agency" list, click on the agency that contains the advertiser. You can search for an agency by name or scroll through the list.

    3. In the "Advertiser" list, click on the advertiser.

    4. Click Apply or press the Enter key.

    Search Ads 360 displays the advertiser page, which contains data for all of the advertiser’s engine accounts.

  2. In the left navigation panel, click Templates.
  3. Click the Inventory management tab.
  4. In the All templates menu, select the template you want to copy. A new window will open with a list of templates to choose from.
  5. Select the checkbox next to the inventory template you want to copy. (The templates must exist within the same agency and be of the same account type.)
  6. Click Copy.
  7. In "Paste to Advertiser", select the advertiser that you want to paste the template into.
  8. In "Paste to Inventory plan" or "Paste to inventory Template", select the plan or template that you want to paste the template into.
  9. Select how much of the underlying template structure you want to copy. Choose one of the following:
    • Copy only the selected template. This copies only the template you've selected.
    • Copy the selected template and references to lower-level templates. (Only visible when copying within the same advertiser.) This copies references to lower-level templates associated with the one you're copying. This means that the lower-level templates are shared with both the originally selected template and its copy. As a result, if you modify or delete the referenced lower-level templates, the changes will apply to both template hierarchies..
    • Copy the selected template and lower-level templates. This duplicates lower-level templates associated with the one you're copying and can be used to paste across advertisers. Because the lower level templates are duplicates, edits to individual lower-level templates exist only in the edited templates.
  10. Click Copy.


Because inventory plans and templates are highly customizable, there are limitations to where you can paste inventory templates. If the template you're copying from uses a custom formula column, the advertiser you're copying to must also use the same custom formula column. Also, you can't copy templates across accounts of a different engine type.

You can copy campaign, ad group, ad, and keyword templates.


Let's say you want to copy the following template from account A to B: 

  • Campaign
    • Ad Groups
      • Ads
      • Keywords

You can copy and paste the selected template, references to entities below the selected template, or every entity below the template. The option you select influences how updates to lower-level templates are applied.

Copy only the selected template

This option copies only the selected template. After copying the campaign template using this option, the template structure will look like this:

   |__Ad group
|__Campaign (copy)

Notice that "Campaign" and "Campaign (copy)" are distinct entities. Any edits that you make to either template will only appear in the account under which you make the change. Additionally, none of the lower-level templates below "Campaign" were copied into "Campaign (copy)".

Copy the selected template and references to lower-level templates

If accounts A and B are within the same advertiser, the option to copy the selected template and lower-level references appears. After copying the template using this option, the template structure will look like this:

   |__Ad group
   |  |
   |  |__Ads
   |  |
   |  |__Keywords
B  |
|__Campaign (copy)

Notice that the lower-level ad group, ad, and keyword templates are shared between "Campaign" and "Campaign (copy)". As such, any edits to these lower-level entities will appear in both "Campaign" and "Campaign (copy)". You will see, and be able to edit, the campaign template and lower-level templates underneath both inventory plans A and B in the Search Ads 360 interface.

This option helps you apply edits across the shared lower-level templates, but isn't ideal for cases where you want to change lower-level templates in one account and not the other.

Copy the selected template and lower-level templates

You can duplicate templates across accounts A and B, no matter which advertiser these accounts are under. After copying the template using this option, the template structure will look like this:

   |__Ad group
|__Campaign (copy)
   |__Ad group (copy)
      |__Ads (copy)
      |__Keywords (copy)

Notice that "Campaign" and "Campaign (copy)" are two distinct entities. As such, any edits you make to lower-level templates will only appear in the template you edited.

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