
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Set up cross-channel remarketing for social, search, and display

Edit a cross-channel remarketing list

You can edit a Search Ads 360 cross-channel remarketing lists to:

  • Rename the remarketing list 
    A remarketing list's name is changed only in Search Ads 360. You might also want to consider renaming the parallel list in the engine to keep the names in sync.
  • Add or remove source labels
  • Open or close membership (Google Ads RLSA only)
  • Change the length of time a cookie is included (membership duration) - applies to display and search engines only
You can't edit the source or destination in remarketing lists. For example, if a list is generated from search ads, you can't change the source of the list to social ads.
  1.  In the left navigation panel, click Remarketing.
  2. Select the check box next to the remarketing list you want to edit.
  3. Click the Edit ▼ menu, and then click Edit details.
  4. Change the settings.
  5. Click Save.

Cross-channel remarketing list settings

  • Name: The name of the remarketing list. We recommend prefacing the name with SA360. Alternatively, to rename a remarketing list, click the pencil icon in the Remarketing list name column.
  • Create a list of customers from: The audience source (search or social) that is used to populate the remarketing list. The audience source isn't editable.
  • Remarket to customers within: The destination channel type (search or social) that uses the remarketing list to display ads. The destination channel isn't editable.
  • Source labels: Lists all of the labels that have been applied to ads that are used to build the remarketing list.
    • In the list under Label, select a check box to use the labeled ads to add audience members to a list.
    • To remove a label, in the "Selected" list on the right, click the remove icon to stop using the ads to add audience members to the list.
  • Google Display Network accounts (Applies only to remarket to display networks): Select this check box to share the remarketing list with Display & Video 360 advertisers. This check box is available only if the list in the Display & Video 360 advertiser is populated.
    • Clear the check box to stop sharing the remarketing list with Display & Video 360 advertisers.
  • Display & Video 360 advertisers: Lists the Campaign Manager 360 advertisers that share the Search Ads 360 advertiser's Floodlight configuration and that have been linked to Display & Video 360 advertisers.
    In May 2021, Search Ads 360 ended support for building search-to-display and social-to-display remarketing segments and stopped adding customers to audience lists.
    You can still share existing lists with Display & Video 360.
  • Membership status: Applies only to Google Ads remarketing lists for search ads. Open lists continue to add audience members. New audience members aren’t added to closed lists.
  • Membership duration: Applies to remarketing lists for display ads and Google Ads remarketing lists for search ads. Specify the number of days a user’s cookie stays on the list, assuming the user doesn’t click the paid search ad again.

    The maximum value is 540 days. We recommend you set this value to reflect the longest duration that would work (usually somewhere between 30-90 days)

  • Select Google Ads accounts (Applies to Google Ads remarketing lists for search ads): By default, a Search Ads 360-generated remarketing list for search ads is available in all of the Google Ads accounts in the advertiser.)

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