
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Use bulksheets to create manual campaigns

Use a bulksheet to apply Search Ads 360 bid strategies and specify adaptive settings

Apply Search Ads 360 bid strategies to Google Ads and Bing Ads campaigns and turn on adaptive features

To speed up campaign management when you want to apply Search Ads 360 bid strategies to Google Ads campaigns and turn on adaptive features in many campaigns, you can use a bulksheet to make changes to the campaigns instead of using the Search Ads 360 user interface. 

You can't use a bulksheet to create or edit bid strategies. Bulksheets are great for applying bid strategies and turning on the adaptive feature in supported campaign types.

The overall process for turning on the adaptive feature in Google Ads campaigns is as follows:

  1. Download an editable bulksheet that contains the Google Ads campaigns that you want to update.

  2. In the downloaded bulksheet, edit the applicable columns in the campaign rows to specify adaptive settings. 
  3. Upload the bulksheet.

Download an editable bulksheet

  1. Navigate to an advertiser.

  2. Click the Campaigns tab.

  3. Optional. Add the following columns to the report to verify if a Search Ads 360 bid strategy or other item is managing bidding or other options in a campaign.

    • Bid strategy.  Displays (manual bidding) or the name of the Search Ads 360 bid strategy that is applied to the campaign.

    • Conversion goal name. Displays the name of a conversion goal if one is applied to a campaign or dashes (---) if a conversion goal isn't applied to a campaign. You'll need to remove the conversion goal to apply a bid strategy to a campaign.

    • Engine bid strategy type. Displays Manual CPC or the Google Ads bid strategy type, for example Target CPA, if one is applied to the campaign. Manual CPC indicates that the Google Ads bid strategy is set to manual bidding. To avoid conflicts, you may want to remove the Google Ads bid strategy to apply a Search Ads 360 bid strategy to a campaign.

    • Campaign type. Displays the type of campaign.  Use this column to help you specify applicable settings for the type of campaign.  For example, don't set the adaptive product groups setting in a manual campaign. 

  4. Optionally use a filter to display only the campaigns that you want to include in a Search Ads 360 bid strategy or check the boxes of the Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising campaigns that you want to update. 

  5. Click the download icon , which appears above the reporting table and make the following selections in the download panel:
    • Scope: Current selection in table or Current scope
    • Columns: Editable columns (for re-upload)
    • Include types:
      • Campaigns
      • Campaign location targets. (Google Ads campaigns only) If you're going to turn on the adaptive location targets feature, you should also select the Campaign location targets check box to verify that the campaign includes a least one high-level location target that can be subdivided. Each location target is listed in a separate row in the bulksheet.
    • Filters: Include rows with no impressions
  6. Click Download.

Search Ads 360 generates the report and either downloads the file to your browser's download directory or sends an email, depending on the delivery option you selected.

If you selected to download a report and the report is very large, it may take a while for Search Ads 360 to generate the report. You can still use Search Ads 360 while the report is generating. A status bar indicates the progress of the report generation. When it's complete, a Download link appears in the status bar. Click the link to download the report.

Apply a Search Ads 360 bid strategy and specify adaptive settings using a bulksheet

In the downloaded bulksheet, edit the applicable columns to apply a Search Ads 360 bid strategy, if one isn't already applied, and turn on adaptive settings. 

  1. To apply Search Ads 360 bid strategies to campaigns in a bulksheet, note the names of your Search Ads 360 bid strategies in the Search Ads 360 user interface:

    1. Navigate to an advertiser.

    2. In the left navigation panel of an advertiser, click Bid strategies.
      The names of bid strategies are displayed in the Bid strategy column.

  2. In the downloaded bulksheet, in a campaign row, enter the name of a Search Ads 360 bid strategy in the Advertiser bid strategy column.
  3. Turn on the adaptive settings:
    • In any of the following columns, enter on if the setting is relevant for the type of campaign.
      • Adaptive setting: Product groups (for shopping campaigns only)
      • Adaptive setting: Remarketing targets
      • Adaptive setting: Location targets (for manual and shopping campaigns)
  4. Optional:  In the Adaptive notifications column,  enter one or more email addresses, separated by a vertical bar ( | ). Specifying an email address turns on adaptive notifications. Each time Search Ads 360 changes a product group or location target, a message is sent to the email addresses.
  5. Upload the bulksheet.


Adaptive column settings

Column name  Description
Row Type Enter campaign. Specifies the type of item that you're creating or editing.

Enter edit to edit a campaign's settings.

Enter create to create a new manual campaign and apply a Search Ads 360 bid strategy. 

You can't use a bulksheet to create shopping campaigns.
Campaign Enter the name of a campaign.
Campaign type

Specifies the campaign type. You can apply a Search Ads 360 bid strategy to all types of campaigns.

Use the column for information only, to ensure that you specify the relevant adaptive setting for the campaign type. For example, don't turn on the adaptive product group setting in a manual campaign. If you specify an incorrect setting, an error will occur when you upload the bulksheet.

Conversion goal name

This column should be blank for the campaigns that are managed by a bid strategy.

If the column displays the name of a conversion goal and you want to replace the conversion goal with a bid strategy, enter remove_content to remove the conversion goal.  

You are also required to also remove any conversion-goal-related settings if specified. For example, if the conversion goal is being used to set location target or mobile bid adjustments, you should specify remove_content in those columns too.

The location target, mobile bid, and remarketing target bid adjustment settings for a Search Ads 360 bid strategy can only be set in the Search Ads 360 user interface.

Advertiser bid strategy

Specifies the name of a Search Ads 360 bid strategy that is applied to a campaign.

If this column contains the text, (manual), a Search Ads 360 bid strategy isn't setting keyword or product group bids in the campaign.

Engine bid strategy name (Google Ads only)  The Engine bid strategy column should be blank or set to (manual).
Adaptive setting: Product groups

Specify on to turn on the adaptive product group setting in Google Ads or Microsoft Advertising shopping campaigns.

Specify off to turn off the adaptive product group setting.

This column should be blank for manual campaigns.

If you're using a bulksheet to remove a Search Ads 360 bid strategy from a campaign and this setting is on, you're also required to replace on with remove_content to remove this setting. If you don't turn off the adaptive setting when you remove a Search Ads 360 bid strategy,  an error will occur when you upload the bulksheet.

Adaptive setting: Remarketing targets

Specify on to turn on the adaptive remarketing target setting in Google Ads campaigns.

Specify off to turn off the adaptive remarketing target setting.

If you're using a bulksheet to remove a Search Ads 360 bid strategy from a campaign and this setting is on, you're also required to replace on with remove_content to remove this setting. If you don't turn off the adaptive setting when you remove the Search Ads 360 bid strategy, an error will occur when you upload the bulksheet.

Adaptive setting: Location targets

Specify on to turn on the adaptive location target setting in Google Ads campaigns.

Specify off to turn off the adaptive location target setting.

If you're using a bulksheet to remove a Search Ads 360 bid strategy from a campaign and this setting is on, you're also required to replace on with remove_content to remove this setting. If you don't turn off the adaptive setting when you remove the Search Ads 360 bid strategy, an error will occur when you upload the bulksheet.

Adaptive notifications

Enter the email addresses of people who will be notified when Search Ads 360 subdivides or removes location targets or product groups. Separate each email address with a vertical bar ( | ).

If the row is blank, notifications are turned off.

Mobile bid adjustment setting

Applicable only for conversion goals.

Location target bid adjustment setting

Applicable only for conversion goals. 

Remarketing target bid adjustment setting

Applicable only for conversion goals.

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