
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Generate and manage upgraded inventory campaigns

Use inventory templates to apply labels and business data

Inventory templates can apply existing labels or rows from business data tables to the campaigns, ad groups, and other items that they generate.

Apply labels

  1. Create the labels you want to apply if you haven't already done so.
    For example, create one label for each brand you advertise.
  2. When entering inventory settings for a template (such as a campaign template), click + Label template.
  3. In the field that appears above the + Label template button, enter functions, inventory attributes, formula columns, or static text.

    If the value you enter matches a label you've already created, the template will apply the label to the item it generates.

For example:

  1. You advertise the "SpeedyShoes" and "ComfyWalkers" brands so you create labels named "SpeedyShoes" and "ComfyWalkers".
  2. In a campaign template, you specify the [Item_brand] inventory attribute as the multiplier.
    The template will generate one campaign for each brand in the inventory data selected by the plan.
  3. In the campaign template, you add a label template that specifies the Item_brand inventory attribute:
    Using a formula to match an existing label
  4. When the template generates a campaign for the "SpeedyShoes" brand, the label template will match the "SpeedyShoes" label you created, so the template will apply the "SpeedyShoes" label to the campaign it generates.

    When the template generates a campaign for the "ComfyWalkers" brand, the label template will match the "ComfyWalkers" label you created, so the template will apply the "ComfyWalkers" label to the campaign it generates.

Apply business data

  1. Add the rows of business data you want to apply if you haven't already done so.
    For example, add one row for each brand you advertise.
  2. When entering inventory settings for a template (such as a campaign template), click + Business data template▼ and select the business data table that contains the rows you created.
  3. In the field that appears above the + Business data template▼ list, enter functions, inventory attributes, formula columns, or static text.

    If the value you enter matches the ID of business data row you've already created, the template will apply the business data row to the item it generates.

For example:

  1. Instead of using labels, you use a business data table named Products to identify the products you advertise.
    Each row in the table uses the product brand as its ID, but it also contains columns that specify retail category and department.
  2. You advertise the "SpeedyShoes" and "ComfyWalkers" product brands so you create two business data rows in the Products table. One row has an ID named "SpeedyShoes" and the other row has and ID of "ComfyWalkers".
  3. In a campaign template, you specify the [Item_brand] inventory attribute as the multiplier.
    The template will generate one campaign for each brand in the inventory data selected by the plan.
  4. In the campaign template, you add a business data template for the Products table that specifies the Item_brand inventory attribute as the row ID:
    Business data template that uses Item_brand as a row ID
  5. When the template generates a campaign for the "SpeedyShoes" brand, the business data template will match the "SpeedyShoes" row you created in the Products table, so the template will apply the "SpeedyShoes" row to the campaign it generates.

    When the template generates a campaign for the "ComfyWalkers" brand, the business data template will match the "ComfyWalkers" row you created in the Products table, so the template will apply the "ComfyWalkers" row to the campaign it generates.


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