
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Add or remove data sources

Each chart in a report displays data for all of the agencies, advertisers, and engine accounts you specified when you created the report. To change the data that’s in your report:

  1. Open an existing report:

    1. From the top navigation bar in Search Ads 360, click Executive Reports.

    2. Click on a report title.

  2. Click Settings in the top button bar.

  3. To add data, select the checkbox next to an agency, advertiser, or account.

    If you have permission to access all advertisers in an agency and you want your report to contain data from all of the advertisers, you can leave the Advertisers list empty. That is, if you don't select any advertisers, your report will contain data from all advertisers.

    If you leave the list empty, when new advertisers are added, your report will automatically contain data from them.

    If instead you select all advertisers that are currently in the list, the report will not automatically contain data from new advertisers. You'll need to explicitly edit the report settings and select the new advertisers.

    If you want to segment a report using business data, select only one advertiser.

    Similar to the advertisers list, if you don't select any accounts from the Accounts list, your report will contain data from all accounts. When the advertiser adds new accounts, your report will automatically contain data from the new accounts.

    Notice some data discrepancies?

    • Executive reports always include data for removed engine accounts, campaigns, keywords, and other objects as well as objects that have not been removed. By default, the detailed reporting tables in Search Ads 360 do not include data for removed objects. Unless you display removed objects in Search Ads 360 reporting tables, your executive reports might show higher results than the detailed reporting tables.
    • If your executive report includes a formula column, you may also notice a discrepancy between the totals reported in the scorecard below the performance summary graph in the reporting table and the same column in the executive report. The difference occurs because the executive report displays the formula column total for the advertiser before totaling data. The scorecard displays the sum of the objects within the current scope. For example, on the Campaigns tab, the scorecard displays the sum for the campaigns. On the Engine accounts tab, the scorecard displays the sum for the engine accounts.
    • Google Ads conversions such as calls from ads and store visits aren't included in executive reports unless you create a formula column that includes the conversions and then select the formula column as one of the metrics in the executive report.
    • Impression share metrics aren't available for use in executive reports.
  4. To remove data, clear the checkbox next to an agency, advertiser, or account.

  5. Click Save.

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