
Bem-vindo à Central de Ajuda do Search Ads 360, uma plataforma de gerenciamento de campanhas de marketing de busca.  Embora a Central de Ajuda esteja disponível para o público, o acesso ao produto Search Ads 360 está disponível apenas para clientes inscritos e que estão conectados à plataforma. Para se inscrever ou saber mais, entre em contato com nossa equipe de vendas.

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ERROR: The report is too large to display

In the Search Ads 360 UI, if you click on a bid strategy name or label name, or click the Keywords tab or Ads tab when scoped too broadly, you may receive the following error message:

The report is too large to display. Please download an offline report or visit the help center for more options.

This means that there are too many keywords or ads in the current scope to display in a reporting table. Instead, you can do any of the following:

  • Download an offline version of the report.
  • If applicable, scope down to a lower level. For example, if you navigate to an advertiser and see this error on the Keywords tab, click a specific engine account, and then click the engine account's Keywords tab.

Can I apply filters at the current scope to reduce the number the keywords?

No. Filters at the current scope will not reduce the number of keywords. However, you can:

  1. Scope down to a lower level and select the Keywords tab.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the keywords and click Filter to selected.
  3. Then scope back up. The Keywords tab will now display the selected keywords.

My bid strategy doesn't have a large number of keywords. Why am I getting this error?

When you view the Keywords tab in a bid strategy, Search Ads 360 uses the total number of keywords in the engine account to determine if it can display keywords in the reporting table, not the number in the bid strategy.


My label doesn't have a large number of keywords. Why am I getting this error?

When you view the Keywords tab in a label, Search Ads 360 uses the total number of keywords in the advertiser to determine if it can display keywords in the reporting table, not the number in the bid strategy.

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