Check the tracking status of your Google Ads conversion action

If you've installed a conversion tracking tag (for website and certain phone call conversions requiring a tag), or want to confirm or troubleshoot an existing conversion action, you can check its tracking status from the Conversions actions page.

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a Google Ads client account.
  3. In the navigation menu, click the tools and settings icon  .
  4. Under “Measurement,” click Conversions.
  5. Check the "Tracking status" column for the conversion action that you want to check the status for.

Here are the different tracking status you might see:

  • Unverified: We haven't verified that your tag has been put on your website yet. This takes a few hours. To make sure we see your tag, you can visit your conversion page (for example, the page confirming a purchase or mailing list sign-up).
  • No recent conversions: We've seen your conversion tracking tag, but haven't recorded any conversions in the last 7 days. This is most likely because you don't have any ads sending people to the page where you installed your tag. Make sure your campaigns are all running, and that people clicking on your ads are taken to the right webpage.
  • Recording conversions: We've seen your conversion tag and recorded conversions within the last 7 days.
  • Tag inactive: We no longer see your tag, and haven't recorded any conversions in the last 7 days. For more information, hover over the tracking status. You'll get the date we last saw your conversion tracking tag, as well as the last date we recorded any conversions, if ever.
    • If we never recorded any conversions, it's possible that the the tag is on the wrong web page, or you never received any traffic to this page from your ads.
    • If we recorded conversions before, but they stopped, something may have changed with your website or ad campaigns.
  • Removed: This conversion action has been removed. You can add it back to your account by clicking the red "X" next to the conversion action name, then selecting Enabled.

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