Monitor performance from your manager account

It's easy to find how all of your accounts are performing within a manager account.

This article explains the different ways you can monitor your accounts’ performance from different pages in your manager account.

View data in the Performance page

On your manager account’s Performance page, you can view account-level performance data for all your managed accounts. You can view, for example, the number of clicks an account received during your selected date range and compare it to the number received by other accounts.

You can also view cost-related information for accounts, like average CPC and average cost. At the bottom of the table, you’ll find spend totals for your managed accounts. Note that if you have managed accounts that show cost data in a currency different from your manager account currency, you won’t find the spend totals unless you apply the “Converted Currency” layer to your table.

View data in the Campaigns page

From the Campaigns page, you can view the full range of performance statistics for your managed accounts’ campaigns during your selected date range. If you’d like, you can also change your view to show just the accounts you’re interested in.

Note: For particularly large accounts, we may not be able to display data for the default view showing all accounts. This may also occur for filtered accounts when the selection is still substantial. If this happens, we’ll ask you to refine your selection to a smaller set of accounts.

Helpful Performance and Campaigns page features

Below are some Performance and Campaigns page features that can help you more easily view cross-account performance data:

  • The “Account” column: This column shows the name of the managed account associated with the data you’re viewing.
  • Filters and segments: Filters or segments lets you narrow or structure your view of the data to suit your needs.
  • Date range selector: The date range selector lets you limit or expand your view of data to a particular time period.
  • Account labels: The “Account labels” column lets you view and sort accounts by the custom account labels you’ve created.
  • Converted currency layer: If you have managed accounts that show cost data in a currency different from your manager account currency, you can apply the Converted currency layer to this data. Once you apply the layer, you’ll be able to find converted currency values below the local currency values in all table columns containing cost data. You’ll also be able to sort and filter using these converted currency values, and find totals for columns in the manager account’s currency.

View the Performance map

If you have a manager account with multiple sub-accounts (including client accounts and/or other sub-manager accounts), you can use the account map to visualize how these sub-accounts are structured. The account map provides you with a general overview of account performance and setup for all the different sub-accounts under your manager account. Using the account map, you can view account-level performance metrics such as clicks, impressions, costs and conversions, as well as different features used by your sub-accounts (like remarketing) in a single view.

Access the Performance map through the Performance menu

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. Select the Accounts dropdown.
  4. Click Performance.
  5. Click Map.

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