About the Campaigns page

Use the “Campaigns” page to keep track of campaigns across all of your managed accounts. From here, you can also create new campaigns or make changes to existing campaigns for your accounts.

You can do the following from your “Campaigns” page:

  • View the full range of performance data for all managed campaigns
  • Create new campaigns
  • Change the status, budget, and name of existing campaigns
  • Easily change your view to see just the campaigns you’re interested in
  • Use filters and segments to see only the data you want

Choose the campaigns you want to see

When you first arrive on your account's “Campaigns” page, you'll see performance data across all campaigns for all accounts you manage, and all accounts managed by your sub-manager accounts. While this can be a great way to quickly scan your campaigns, you'll probably want to adjust your view to see just the campaigns you’re interested in.

Keep in mind

For particularly large accounts, we may not be able to show all campaigns for all accounts. This may also occur for filtered accounts when the selection is still substantial. If this occurs, we’ll ask you to refine your selection to a smaller set of accounts.

Search for a campaign

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. From the page menu on the left, click Campaigns.
  3. Click the search icon above the table. 
  4. Enter the search term in the “Find campaigns” field, then click Filter campaigns by [your search term]. Campaigns with names that contain your search term will show in the table.

View campaigns for specific accounts

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. From the page menu on the left, click Campaigns.
  3. Click the filter icon above the table and select Accounts from the menu.
  4. Check the box next to the accounts you want to view campaigns for. 
  5. Click Apply.

Use filters and segments 

You can always add or remove columns from your table to customize your view of the table and chart in the Campaigns page. For example, you can filter your view to see campaigns with certain start dates or end dates, campaigns with a specific daily budget, and so on. Or you can use the “Day of the week” segment to see how your campaigns perform on different days.

Jump directly to an individual campaign 

You can always go directly to an individual account to manage a campaign and access all features. 

  • To go directly to a campaign, click the campaign name in the Campaign column.
  • To go directly to a client account's landing page, click the account name in the Account column. 

If any of your accounts’ campaigns show cost data in a currency different from your manager account currency, you’ll have the option to apply the “Converted Currency” layer to this data. Once you apply this layer, you’ll be able to see converted currency values below the local currency values in all table columns containing cost data. You’ll also be able to sort and filter using these converted currency values, and see totals for columns in the manager account’s currency. 

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