About landing page URLs in the new Search Ads 360 experience

When you create an ad, you specify a landing page URL to send people to a specific area of your site. You can use the following components to create a landing page URL:

  • Final URL (required): The URL address of the page in your website that people reach when they click your ad. This URL should contain any URL parameters your site uses to determine the content of a page.

    In all accounts other than Google Ads, this URL should also contain any URL parameters that your site uses for tracking purposes.
  • Final URL suffix (optional, available only in Google Ads): Contains URL parameters that your site uses for tracking purposes. 

Search Ads 360 and some other tracking services require an additional URL called a tracking URL. Tracking URLs and any URL parameters needed by the tracking service should be added to a tracking template, not to the final URL or final URL suffix.

Landing page URLs for keywords

You can optionally specify keyword landing page URLs if you want to take people to pages on your website related to particular keywords.

In some account types that aren't available yet in the new Search Ads 360 experience, you're required to specify a landing page URL for each keyword so Search Ads 360 can attribute conversions and other activity to the keyword. Learn more

Requirements for landing page URLs

When you add keywords and ads to a search account in Search Ads 360 (either by creating the keywords in Search Ads 360 or syncing in keywords you created in an external account), Search Ads 360 checks the following:

  • Each ad has a final URL.
  • The URL is in a valid format. A valid URL:
    • Starts with https:// or http://.
    • The domain name starts with a character from set [A-Za-z0-9{}]
    • Does not contain Search Ads 360-specific reserved parameters.
    • Does not contain spaces. (Replace any spaces with %20.)
    • Only contains US-ASCII characters.
    • If the URL contains curly braces, the braces form a matching pair: { }. Nested curly braces are acceptable as long as you specify matching pairs at each level: { { } }.
  • Google Ads ValueTrack parameters are not HTML encoded
  • Some account types that aren't available yet in the new Search Ads 360 experience have additional requirements. Learn more

Tracking parameters for measuring Floodlight conversions

When customers click your ads, two parameters are appended to your landing page URLs: gclid and gclsrc. To measure Floodlight conversions, Search Ads 360 requires these parameters to be passed to a page on your site that contains a Google tag or a conversion linker tag placed by Google Tag Manager. If your site removes these parameters or changes the values before your customer lands on a page that contains one of these tags, Search Ads 360 cannot attribute Floodlight conversions to your ads.

Learn more about using Floodlight to track conversions in Search Ads 360.

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