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Upload ads using the bulksheet within Search Ads 360

You can use an embedded Google Sheet within Search Ads 360 to create new ads or edit existing ads. The types of ads supported include responsive search ads, Bing multimedia ads and Baidu text ads. Other types of ads can be updated in bulk using Google Sheets, but they don't have pre-populated sheets available. Learn more about bulk actions.

Before you begin

You'll need to be a Google user and sign the Google Terms of Service in order to make changes using the bulksheet.


Use the following steps to create ads using the bulksheet:

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a manager, sub-manager or client account.
  3. Click Ads in the Page menu on the left, then click the blue plus button.
  4. Click Use bulksheet within Search Ads 360.
  5. Fill in the details in the required fields columns in the embedded Google bulksheet in the tab for the corresponding ad type.
  • For other ad types, use the tab 'Additional ad' within the embedded Google Sheet to add and fill in the relevant bulksheet columns.
  • Search Ads 360 will process all tabs that contain values in the columns.
  1. Click Preview. You can check for errors through the error message description in the result column and make the changes accordingly.
    • Rows that have no errors are marked as 'OK' and rows with errors will display an error message. .
  2. Click Apply once the changes are completed.

Use the following steps to edit ads using the bulksheet:

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a manager, sub-manager or client account.
  3. Click Ads in the Page menu on the left.
  4. Select the ads that you'd like to edit, then click Edit.
  5. Click Change ad settings using bulksheet.
  6. Fill in the details in the required fields columns in the embedded Google bulksheet in the tab for the corresponding ad type.
  • For other ad types, SA360 will create a fourth tab in the embedded Google Sheet with relevant bulksheet columns for edits.
  • Search Ads 360 will process all tabs that contain values in the columns.
  1. Click Preview. You can check for errors through the error message description in the result column and make the changes accordingly.
    1. Rows that have no errors are marked as 'OK' and rows with errors will display an error message.
  2. Click Apply once the changes are completed.

Note: Bulksheet editing is available for rows less than 500. You have an option to open the embedded bulksheet in a separate sheet by clicking 'Open in Google Sheets', and it will automatically open a new tab within that Google Sheet.

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