Review and adjust Search Ads 360 bid strategy targets, volume, and campaign budgets

After you launch the Search Ads 360 bid strategy:

  1. Use bid strategy reports to find any problems related to:
    • Low volume, in which case you may need to add more keywords or better-performing keywords to the bid strategy.
    • Spend being limited by campaign budgets, in which case sometimes you can achieve significantly more conversions at an optimal cost if you increase campaign budgets.
  2. View the bid strategy forecast for your Search Ads 360 bid strategy to find the ideal trade-off between cost and conversion volume with various CPA or ROAS targets.
  3. If you make changes to the Search Ads 360 bid strategy, such as adding new keywords or adjusting the target, be sure to wait several days, or a couple of weeks if you've added a large number of new keywords with no performance history, before reviewing the effect of your changes.


  • Avoid changing targets too frequently, specifically no more than once per week. We recommend giving the bid strategy sufficient time to learn before making changes.
  • Avoid changing targets too drastically. Frequent or large target changes won’t negatively impact the performance of your bid strategy, however it’s important to note that a major change in targets can have a similarly sized impact on spend or volume.
  • Avoid adding a large number of keywords all at once, especially keywords with no performance history.
  • Make sure that you sync any changes you make on the client account into Search Ads 360. Best practice is to schedule a nightly sync.

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