Comparison of the Search terms, and natural search reports

Search Ads 360 provides a few reports that show the search terms entered by users. Here's a comparison of the search terms, and natural search reports:

  Search terms report Natural search report
Supported client accounts All All
Available metrics Paid keyword search and
paid product group search

Paid keyword search

Organic search

Display ads managed by Campaign Manager 360

Conversion reporting

In Google Ads accounts: Conversions reported by Google Ads conversion tracking (no Floodlight data) along with advertising platform metrics

In other types of accounts:
Floodlight data, but no advertising platform metrics

The report shows Floodlight conversion data attributed to each natural search.
Shows search terms for encrypted searches

Yes for Google Ads.

In other types of advertising platforms that encyrpt searches, "Other queries" appears instead of the search terms

Special set up

Available by default.

Doesn't require tags on your site.

Requires a natural search tag on your landing pages in addition to Floodlight tags.

The Search Ads 360 support team generates this tag for you based on information you give them.

Viewing the report Available in the Search Ads 360 UI at the client account scope or lower

Use Campaign Manager 360 Report Builder to pull reports instead of viewing them in Search Ads 360.

Reports can be scoped to an entire advertiser.

Can be used for keyword harvesting Yes No

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