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View rule status, results and version history

In Search Ads 360, a rule consists of a condition or a set of conditions. When the rule is met, it activates a specified action or set of actions to be performed on the data that you specify.

View rule status

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 account.
  2. Navigate to a manager or sub-manager account.
  3. Click Tools and settings in the navigation bar.
  4. Under 'Bulk actions', click Rules.
  5. The reporting table shows up to 2,000 rules. Click the 3-dot icon that appears above the reporting table, select one of the following:
This selection Shows up to 2,000 rules that match the following criteria
Show all
  • Are currently active
    • For example, recurring rules that are scheduled to run in the future, or non-recurring rules that haven't run yet
  • Are currently paused
  • Non-recurring rules that ran within the last 90 days
  • Rules that have been removed within the last 90 days
    • For example, if you removed a rule 91 days ago, the rule does not appear and cannot be re-activated
Hide removed
  • Are currently active
  • Are currently paused
  • Non-recurring rules that ran within the last 90 days
Hide paused
  • Are currently active
  • Non-recurring rules that ran within the last 90 days

To view the rule's status, look for an icon next to the rule's name. For example, if (green circle) appears next to the rule's name, the rule is currently active and will run as scheduled.

View results of a rule

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 account.
  2. Navigate to a manager or sub-manager account.
  3. Click Tools and settings in the navigation bar.
  4. Under 'Bulk actions', click Rules.
  5. On the 'Rules' page, Click Results.
  6. The 'Results' tab details the status, description and changes made by each rule that has run within a certain timeframe.
  7. Click Add filter and filter rules as required.

View version history of a rule

When you save your edits to a rule, Search Ads 360 removes the old rule and creates a new version of the rule with updated settings. To view the settings and version history of the rule:

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 account.
  2. Navigate to a manager or sub-manager account.
  3. Click Tools and settings in the navigation bar.
  4. Under 'Bulk actions', click Rules.
  5. On the 'Rules' page, Click Version history. The 'Version history' tab lists details about the different versions of your rules, including the last run date of a version.
  6. Click Add filter and filter rules as required.
  7. Click Apply.

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