About Google Ads conversion trackers in Search Ads 360

You can use the new Search Ads 360 to create and report on Google Ads conversion trackers that track conversions from the following sources:

  • Calls from ads using call assets or call ads: Check how effectively your ads with call assets lead to phone calls.
  • Calls to a Google forwarding number on your website: Check how effectively your ads lead to phone calls from your website.
  • Clicks on a number on your mobile website: Check how effectively your ads lead to clicks on your business phone number on your mobile website.
  • Imports: Track offline conversions uploaded into Google Ads.
  • Websites: Track website conversions such as purchases, sign-ups, and page views.

If you prefer, you can create conversion trackers in Google Ads and then sync the trackers into Search Ads 360.

Google Ads conversion trackers can only attribute conversions to ads that were served by Google, while other conversion tracking solutions supported by Search Ads 360 can attribute conversions to ads served by many types of accounts.

Account-level trackers

Search Ads 360 creates account-level conversion trackers. Google Ads accounts are continuously synced in the new Search Ads 360. Tracking templates and final URL suffixes are automatically updated, and auto-tagging is turned on.

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