Use simulators to estimate Google Ads auction-time bidding performance

There are 2 types of Google Ads simulators that you can use in Search Ads 360, Manual CPC bid simulators and auction-time (or Smart) bidding simulators. Learn more about Google Ads simulators in the Google Ads Help Center.

Google Ads simulators help you check how different settings might change your ads’ weekly performance. When using Google Ads auction-time bidding (also called Google Ads Smart Bidding), simulation tools help you to better understand what will happen to your ads’ performance when you change your CPA target, ROAS target, or your average daily budget.

How Google Ads target and budget simulators work

Target and budget simulators collect and analyze data from ad auctions you participated in, and estimate how your ads might have performed for key metrics like cost, conversions, conversion values, impressions, and clicks if you had set a different CPA target, impression share target, ROAS target, or budget.

You can set a portfolio-wide or a single campaign (Google Ads standard bid strategy) target. This will clear any ad group targets you have set.

Google Ads target simulators are available in Search Ads 360-owned and Google Ads-owned portfolio bid strategies. In Search Ads 360-owned bid strategies, the target simulator considers only Google Ads campaigns.

Simulators are based on historical Google Ads campaign performance, adjusted to account for upcoming seasonal patterns. The simulator is updated each day to reflect the last 7 days.

Target CPA simulators are available for Google Ads Search, Performance Max, Display, Shopping, and App campaigns. Target ROAS simulators are available for Google Ads Search and Performance Max campaigns.

Target impression share, Google Ads Maximize conversions, Google Ads Maximize conversion value, and Google Ads Maximize clicks simulators are available only for Google Ads Search campaigns.

Using Google Ads auction-time bidding simulators to estimate performance

You can pick a Google Ads auction-time bidding simulator based on the key metric you’re hoping to achieve, like conversions, conversion values, clicks, or impressions.

Bid strategy

Google Ads auction-time bidding simulator

Key metric

Target CPA with Google Ads auction-time bidding enabled

Portfolio target simulator

Campaign target simulator

Ad group target simulator


Target ROAS with Google Ads auction-time bidding enabled

Portfolio target simulator

Campaign target simulator

Ad group target simulator

Conversion values

Google Ads Maximize conversion value

(Google Ads auction-time bidding included by default) 

Campaign budget simulator

Conversion values

Google Ads Maximize conversions bidding

(Google Ads auction-time bidding included by default) 

Campaign budget simulator


Google Ads Maximize clicks bidding

(Google Ads auction-time bidding included by default) 

Campaign budget simulator


Target impression share

Portfolio target simulator 

Campaign target simulator


Find a Google Ads auction-time bidding target simulator for your portfolio bid strategy

To use the bid strategy target simulator, Google Ads auction-time bidding must be enabled in the Search Ads 360 Target CPA or Target ROAS portfolio bid strategy that is managing the bids in your campaigns. In addition to Google Ads auction-time bidding, a few other criteria must be met for a portfolio target simulator to become available. Learn more about troubleshooting bid simulators in Google Ads Help Center.

Google Ads auction-time bidding is an integral component of Target impression share bid strategies by default.

You can find Google Ads bid strategy target simulators in the “Bid strategy type” column on the "Portfolio bid strategy" page.

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. In the main toolbar, click the tools and settings icon .
  3. Click Bid strategies.
  4. On the “Portfolio bid strategies” page, in the “Bid strategy type” column, click an active simulator icon next to a Target CPA, Target ROAS, or Target impression share bid strategy.
Bid strategy simulator not available? Learn more about troubleshooting bid simulators in the Google Ads Help Center.

Find a Google Ads auction-time bidding target simulator for your campaign

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a Google Ads client account.
  3. In the page menu, click Campaigns
  4. In the “Budget” column, click the simulator icon .
    If you're using an App campaign, you can find this in campaign settings. Learn more about troubleshooting bid simulators in the Google Ads Help Center.

Find a Google Ads auction-time bidding target simulator for an ad group

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a Google Ads client account.
  3. In the page menu, click Ad groups.
  4. Click a simulator icon  in the “Target ROAS” or “Target CPA" column.
    Learn more about troubleshooting bid simulators in Google Ads Help Center.

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