About updated conversion categories

Conversion tracking starts with you creating a conversion action in your new Search Ads 360 account. A conversion action is a specific customer activity that is valuable to your business. Before you start, you can set up a new conversion category by following the instructions when you set up conversion tracking for your website. 

You can choose from the following expanded list of conversion categories when you set up or update conversion tracking for your website:

Business goal Updated conversion categories
  • Purchase
  • Add to cart
  • Begin checkout
  • Subscribe


  • Submit lead form
  • Book appointment
  • Sign-up
  • Request quote
  • Get directions
  • Outbound click
  • Contact
Further categories
  • Page view
  • Other ...

Edit a Floodlight conversion action

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. On the navigation menu, click the tools and settings icon tools and settings icon.
  4. Under “Measurement,” click Conversions.
  5. In the Summary tab, click on the name of the conversion action you want to edit or select “view all conversion actions” to see all of your conversion actions. 
  6. On the “Details” page, click Edit settings.
  7. If a setting can be edited, you can click it to expand the section. Make your changes, then click Save
  8. Click on the arrow for “Conversion goal and action optimization”.
  9.  Select a goal that best represents your conversion action.
  10. Select the action optimization setting for this conversion action by checking the box for “Primary action used for bidding optimization’ or “Secondary action not used for bidding optimization”.
  11. After you’ve made your changes, click Save.
  12. On the “Details” page, click Done.

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