If you plan to stop using Search Ads 360, please contact your Search Ads 360 representative or customer support first. The representative can discuss options with you and try to resolve any issues that may be affecting your experience.
If you still need to offboard, it’s very important to follow all the procedures below to avoid any undesired consequences.
Overview of offboarding procedures
Here's an overview of all of the procedures required to offboard from Search Ads 360. Please click the links to view the steps for each procedure.
- Deactivate each client account in Search Ads 360.
- Remove the Search Ads 360 clickserver URL.
The steps for removing clickserver URLs from accounts that use shared templates are different than the steps for removing clickserver URLs from accounts that don't use shared templates. - In each client account, remove Search Ads 360 from the list of applications that are granted API access.
After you offboard all of your client accounts, contact support to deactivate the sub-manager in Search Ads 360.
Unlink Google Analytics
If your sub-manager is linked to a Google Analytics property, the link will no longer be used when the customer support team deactivates the sub-manager.
If you remove all of your client accounts without asking customer support to deactivate your sub-manager, you will also need to complete the steps to unlink the Google Analytics property to ensure that Google Analytics no longer sends data to Search Ads 360.
Remove Search Ads 360 clickserver URLs
You should remove the Search Ads 360 clickserver URLs from all of your client accounts.
Remove Search Ads 360 clickserver URLs from accounts that use shared templates
- Sign in to the advertising platform.
For example, sign in to Google Ads or Microsoft Advertising. -
Remove the Search Ads 360 clickserver URL from all tracking templates in the account. The clickserver URL starts with
and ends withds_dest_url=
(see examples below).
Note that accounts managed by Search Ads 360 contain an account-level tracking template, plus a tracking template for each Search Ads 360 URL template you created. For example, if you created URL templates for each campaign in Search Ads 360, you'll need to remove the Search Ads 360 clickserver URL from the following tracking templates in Google Ads:-
The tracking template at the account level
The tracking template for each campaign
- If you created URL templates for individual keywords, you'll need to edit the tracking template for each keyword as well.
For each keyword, dynamic ad target, and sitelink, remove the custom parameter that Search Ads 360 created for tracking. The name of the custom parameter depends on the type of targeting item:
: Used for ads, keywords, product groups, and dynamic ad targets-
: Used for sitelinks
Campaign tracking template
Campaign column |
Before offboarding |
After offboarding |
Tracking template |
Keyword with tracking template
For example, here's part of a row in a Google Ads bulksheet before and after offboarding (in an account that does not use Search Ads 360 URL templates):
Keyword column |
Before offboarding |
After offboarding |
Tracking template |
https://ad.doubleclick.net/link/click? {_dssagcrid}&{_dssftfiid} &ds_e_adid={creative} &ds_e_matchtype={ifsearch:search}{ifcontent:content}&ds_url_v=2 &ds_dest_url={unescapedlpurl} {ignore}&campaign=[*Campaign*] &keyword=[*KeywordID*]&v=3 |
Custom parameter |
Final URL |
Keyword without tracking template
Here's part of another row in a Google Ads bulksheet. In this example, the keyword in this row specified the following Search Ads 360 URL template at the keyword level: https://example.tracker.com/?c_id=123&t_url={escapedlpurl}
Keyword column |
Before offboarding |
After offboarding |
Tracking template |
Custom parameter |
Final URL |
Remove the Search Ads 360 clickserver URL from accounts that don't use shared templates
- (Optional) To help you remove Search Ads 360 clickserver URLs from keywords, consider changing the client account's parameter handling setting to Include full URL (unencoded).
This setting causes Search Ads 360 to copy the original landing page URL to theds_dest_url
parameter in the clickserver URL. After you change the setting, Search Ads 360 will retraffic all keywords with clickserver URLs that look like this:https://ad.doubleclick.net/link/click?lid=43700001234567890&ds_s_kwgid=58700000012345678
https://www.example.com?staticQuery=1&dynamic={MatchType}&anotherStaticQuery=2 - Sign in to your client account and strip the Search Ads 360 clickserver URL (that is, everything before
) from all keyword destination URLs and any other objects that might be using Search Ads 360 tracking URLs.For example:
Landing pages before you strip the clickserver URL
Landing pages after you strip the clickserver URL
Remove the Search Ads 360 clickserver URL from "Other" accounts
In the advertising platform, remove all of the Search Ads 360 clickserver URLs that you set as destination URLs from the ads, keywords, and other items that you were tracking.
Deactivate the client account in Search Ads 360
In Search Ads 360, unlink the client account (available only to Search Ads 360 users with manager admin or sub-manager admin privileges).
Remove Search Ads 360 API access
Do the following, depending on the type of client account you're offboarding:
- Google Ads: Sign in to Google Ads and terminate the access to the manager "DoubleClick - DSUS2" or "dart_search_google_mcc_ds3" followed by a number.
Here’s a Google Ads Help Center article on how to remove account access. - Microsoft Advertising: Sign in to your Microsoft Account and revoke the Search Ads 360 OAuth access that you granted when you set up the Microsoft Advertising client account.
- Yahoo! JAPAN Ads: Sign in to Yahoo! JAPAN Ads at https://connect-business.yahoo.co.jp/cooperation and click revoke for any account you want to deauthorize.
- Baidu: Sign in to the Baidu Developers Console at https://dev2.baidu.com/cancelauthor and click deauthorize for any account you want to deauthorize.