Reauthorize and verify the status of a Yahoo! JAPAN Ads account

When you link or edit a Yahoo! JAPAN Ads client account in the new Search Ads 360, you’ll need to authorize Search Ads 360 to access your Yahoo! JAPAN Ads account.

You may be required to re-authorize Search Ads 360 if changes are made to the Yahoo! JAPAN Ads account that was used to authorize Search Ads 360. For example:

  • Someone changed the Business ID for the Yahoo! JAPAN Ads user account. (Password changes don't require re-authorization.)
  • Someone made other changes to Yahoo! JAPAN Ads user account's security settings
  • Someone added or removed external Yahoo! JAPAN Ads accounts, or made other structural changes.

If this happens, Search Ads 360 will prompt you to re-authorize.

Reauthorize Search Ads 360 to access your external Yahoo! JAPAN Ads account

  1. In the new Search Ads 360, navigate to your Yahoo! JAPAN Ads client account.
  2. From the left page menu, click Settings, then click Account settings in the expanded menu.
  3. In the "Authorization" section, click the Reauthorize account button.
  4. Sign in to the Yahoo! JAPAN Ads account in the pop-up window. Then select the client account number, and grant Search Ads 360 permission to access and update information in your Yahoo! JAPAN Ads account.

When you finish, you can run a sync to see if the authorization succeeded.

If you click the Reauthorize account button again, Search Ads 360 will request authorization again from your Yahoo! JAPAN Ads account.

When you authorize an account, Search Ads 360 will authorize all other accounts within the manager or sub-manager that was used to sign in that use the same set of credentials.

Verify the authorization status of your external Yahoo! JAPAN Ads account

To verify that Search Ads 360 is authorized to access your external Yahoo! JAPAN Ads account:

  • In the new Search Ads 360, navigate to the sub-manager that will contain the account.
  • From the left page menu, click Settings, then click Sub-account settings in the expanded menu.
  • Check the "Sync status" column and see if the sync succeeded. If it failed, hover over it to see more details, including whether it failed for an authentication error.

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