Link a Yahoo! JAPAN Ads account

After 14 August 2023, you will no longer be able to create advertiser accounts, or create and link client accounts, in the previous Search Ads 360.

A client account is the object that connects Search Ads 360 with one of the supported advertising platforms. Each client account specifies the ID or number of the account that it's connecting to, a daily sync schedule, and other settings that are specific to the type of advertising platform.

Special permissions required

Only a manager admin or sub-manager admin can link a client account.

How to link an external Yahoo! JAPAN Ads account to a new client account

Here's an overview of how to link a Yahoo! JAPAN Ads account to a new client account (the details appear later in this article):

  1. In the new Search Ads 360, In Search Ads 360, link a Yahoo! JAPAN Ads engine external account.
  2. Verify authorization status.
  3. Run your first sync to import existing campaigns from the external account.

Create and authorize an external Yahoo! JAPAN Ads account

To link an external Yahoo! JAPAN Ads account to a new client account in a sub-manager in Search Ads 360:

  1. Navigate to the sub-manager that will contain the account.
  2. From the left page menu, click Settings, then click Sub-account settings in the expanded menu.
  3. Click the plus button and select Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.
  4. Enter an account name and account number and click Authorize account.
  5. In the pop-up window, sign in to the Yahoo! JAPAN Ads account. Then grant Search Ads 360 permission to access and update information in your Yahoo! JAPAN Ads account.
  6. Select when you want your daily account sync to happen.
  7. Click Link account

The new client account appears in the "Sub-account settings" table and will be available under "Client account" in the navigation menu.

  • Authorization: To manage an external Yahoo! JAPAN Ads account, you'll need to authorize Search Ads 360 to access the Yahoo! JAPAN Ads API. Click the Authorize account button to start the process. Learn more about authorizing a Yahoo! JAPAN Ads account.
  • Sync schedule: Set up a schedule to sync the account in Search Ads 360.
  • Tracking:
    • Tracking template: Use an account-level URL template to apply a third-party tracking URL or a common set of URL parameters to landing page URLs for all ads, keywords, and sitelinks in a client account. Tracking templates are hierarchical. The template you create in a client account will apply to all campaigns, ad groups, keywords, and sitelinks that don't already define their own template. Learn more about Tracking templates in Search Ads 360
    • 273711422: In accounts that use parallel tracking, tracking parameters that appear in the tracking template may not be sent to the landing page, depending on how you define them. The recommended practice for these accounts is use the Final URL suffix to specify URL parameters that your landing pages require.

Run your first sync

To import existing campaigns from the external account, run your first sync.

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