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Use conversion goals to guide new campaigns

Conversion goals are only available to customers who have migrated to the new Search Ads 360 experience. Check the Experience hub to stay up to date on your available features, including conversion goals.

To make sure that your new campaign selections are optimal and help meet your advertising objectives, you’ll identify your advertising objectives at the start of campaign creation. If your advertising objective is 'Sales', 'Leads', 'Website traffic' or 'Local shop visits', you"ll then have the opportunity to add conversion goals for the campaign.
If you have created default goals for your sub-manager account – 'account-default conversion goals' – these goals will be proposed as the default set of goals when you set up your campaign.
While you build your campaign, you can also add additional standard goals, add a single custom conversion goal or do both. You can also remove account-default goals from the campaign. It's recommended that you use custom campaign goals only when absolutely necessary, as they will not benefit from cross-campaign learning with other campaigns using account-default goals.
Custom goals may be less relevant to your advertising objective. As a result, custom goals won't always provide the same level of campaign optimisation as the recommended account-default conversion goals.

Available conversion goals

Available conversion goals depend on your advertising platform and campaign bid strategy.

Goals Supported platforms
Search Ads 360 conversion goals


Google Ads

Microsoft Advertising

Yahoo! JAPAN Ads

Search Ads 360 and Google Ads conversion goals Google Ads
Google Ads conversion goals Google Ads

Apply conversion goals to a new campaign

Important: If you set up a campaign that has chosen any other set of goals beyond the recommended account-default goals, the campaign primarily optimises for that specific set of goals. It's recommended that you use custom campaign goals only when absolutely necessary, as they will not benefit from cross-campaign learning with other campaigns using account-default goals.
  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 account.
  2. Navigate to a client account.
  3. On the page menu, click Campaigns.
  4. Create a new campaign.
    • If your advertising objective is 'Sales', 'Leads', 'Website traffic' or 'Local shop visits',  Search Ads 360 will automatically suggest account-default goals. If you accept all of them (recommended), you can move forward to the next steps
  5. On the 'Campaign settings' page, in the 'Conversion goals' area, select the conversion goals that you want to use.
    Not all options may be available for all campaign types and bid strategies. Learn more about conversion goals. 
  6. Finish setting up your campaign.
On the campaigns overview page, primary actions (and all conversion actions included in custom goals) are included in the 'Conversions' column, and secondary actions are included in the 'All conv.' column. Learn more about conversion actions.

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