Configure custom columns in feeds

Feed custom columns can only be created for templates with associated or inherited feeds, and are therefore not applicable in the context of responsive search ad (RSA) templates with ad group parents. For more information, see Set up responsive search ad templates.

To configure custom columns for a feed, you must be scoped to the sub-manager account in which you want to use the template functionality. When creating custom columns, you can reference all feed custom columns associated with the sub-manager account.

Custom columns are entered as formulas. There are drop-down menus from which you can select and enter columns and functions. Columns and functions that are valid at the current cursor position in the formula can also be selected from a menu that’s displayed when you right-click. For other building blocks in the formula, follow syntax rules.

Create custom columns in feeds

To create a custom column in a feed:

  1.  Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. NNavigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. Click tools and settings   > Shared Library > Templates.
  4. In the page menu, click Feeds.
  5. Click the name of the hyperlinked feed that you want to edit.
  6. Click the Columns icon A picture of the Google Ads columns icon above the feed’s columns table.
  7. In Custom Columns, click .
    The owner selected by default is the current sub-manager.
  8. Enter the custom column Name and an optional Description.
  9. Select the required Data format: Number, Percent, Money, Text, True/False, or Date.
  10. Click in the dialog’s text area.
  11. To construct the formula in text mode, click Text then:
    1. Enter the formula using the rules described in Syntax.
    2. Click the drop-down to select pre-formatted columns and functions.
      For feed columns, there is a separate submenu.
    3. Configure functions as described in Use functions in custom columns.
  12. To construct the formula in Visual mode, click Visual then:
    1. Enter the formula using the rules described in Syntax.
    2. Click the  drop-down to select pre-formatted columns and functions.
      For feed columns, there is a separate submenu.
    3. Configure functions as described in Use functions in custom columns.
  13. Resolve underlined issues and red advisory messages.
  14. Click Save.
  15. View the new custom column alongside other columns in the feed table.

Feed custom column example


In this example, the "Flights" feed table contains the following columns of product data supplied by a new Search Ads 360 customer, Example Airways. 

Example Airways operates two brands. Albatross Flights sells transatlantic tickets between the US and European destinations, while Golden Eagle Flights markets route tickets within Europe. 

The example feed table only contains information for one route for each brand to ease understanding.

Feed column name Column description Column value example 1 Column value example 2
"product_id" Flight origin airport international air transport association (IATA) code –destination airport IATA code CDG-LHR SEA-CDG
"brand" The brand name for the flight Golden Eagle Flights Albatross Flights
"availability" Flight ticket availability Available Not available
"seats_left" Number of unsold seats on the flight 11 0
"origin_iata" Flight origin airport’s IATA code CDG SEA
"origin_name" Flight departure location Paris Seattle
"origin_country" Flight origin country’s name France USA
Flight destination airport´s IATA code LHR CDG
"destination_name" Flight destination´s name London Paris
"destination_country" Flight destination country’s name UK France
"price_usd" The flight price in US dollars 400 900


Feed custom column concatenation example

  • The text function concat merges the "origin_country", "destination_country" and "destination_name" columns.
  • Dashes are included between each column. They're static text, so they’re enclosed in quotation marks, “-”.

The final formula looks like the following:

concat(f:"origin_name", "-", f:"destination_country", "-", f:"destination_name")

Possible output values from this formula using the current feed data include:



The procedure below is for information purposes only. The “Flights” feed on which it is based is an example, so you won’t be able to execute the steps.


  1. Follow Create custom columns in feeds to Step 7.
  2. Name the custom column "Route", and enter the Description as “Flight origin to destination country”.
  3. In "Data format", select Text.
  4. Click in the dialog’s text area.
  5. Click the drop-down to select preformatted columns and functions.
  6. Click and from the "Text" sub-menu, select concat.

    concat("text1", "text2")
  7. Remove all of "text1".
  8. Replace text1 by clicking and selecting f:"origin_name" from "Feed columns".

    concat(f:"origin_name", "text2")
  9. Remove all of “text2”.
  10. Replace text2 by clicking and selecting f:"destination_country" from "Feed columns".

    concat(f:"origin_name", f:"destination_country")
  11. Insert a comma after f:"destination_country".
  12. After the comma, click  to enter f:"destination_name".

    concat(f:"origin_name", f:"destination_country", f:"destination_name")
  13. To add dashes between the feed columns, after the comma that follows the first three functions, add “-” followed by a comma.

    concat(f:"origin_name", "-", f:"destination_country","-", f:"destination_name")
  14. Click Done.

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