Assign ownership to accounts

In the new Search Ads 360, an account, usually a manager account or sub-manager account, is designated as the owner account (usually shown as "owner" in the user interface) of the following items.

Item Owner account options


A Google Ads client account can be designated as an owner account for a label. Learn more about labels.
  • Manager account 
  • Sub-manager account 
  • Google Ads client account

Bulk actions 


     Automated rules
  • Manager account 
  • Sub-manager account 
  • Manager account 
  • Sub-manager account

(not selectable by user) 


          Download reports
          Web queries
          Email now

  • Manager account 
  • Sub-manager account 
Saved views
  • Manager account 
  • Sub-manager account 
Custom columns and custom conversion columns
  • Manager account 
  • Sub-manager account 
Custom dimensions
  • Manager account 
  • Sub-manager account 
Bid strategies
You can create and manage bid strategies in the new Search Ads 360 only if your bid strategies have been migrated to the new Search Ads 360. Learn more.
Check the Experience hub to stay up to date on your available features, including bidding.
  • Sub-manager account 
  • Google Ads client account
     Conversion action sets
  • Manager account 
  • Sub-manager account 

Campaign groups (part of Bidding and Planning)

Campaign groups are called budget groups in the previous Search Ads 360.
Bidding and Planning is available only if budget management has been migrated to the new Search Ads 360. Learn more.
Check the Experience hub to stay up to date on your available features, including bidding.
  • Manager account 
  • Sub-manager account 


If you are signed in to or scoped to a manager account, you can view, edit, and remove items that are owned by the manager account and any accounts below it.

If you are signed in to or scoped to a sub-manager account, you can view, edit, and remove items that are owned by the sub-manager account or below. Items that are owned by a manager account aren’t available when you are signed in to or scoped to a sub-manager account.

The owner account of an item can't be edited.

How manager accounts are related to the previous Search Ads 360

In the new Search Ads 360:

  • A manager account represents an agency account in the previous Search Ads 360.
  • A sub-manager account represents an advertiser account in the previous Search Ads 360.
  • A client account is called an engine account in the previous Search Ads 360.

Owner accounts determine visibility and use

The owner account, the account that you’re signed in to, and the account that you're scoped to determine where an item is available in the hierarchy, who and what other items can access the item (a concept referred to as visibility), and whether the item can be used with another item. You can only edit an owned item if you are signed in to the owner  account or above it.

Manager account ownership

If an item is owned by a Search Ads 360 manager account, the item is visible only when signed in to the manager account. The item can be applied in the Search Ads 360 sub-manager accounts and client accounts under the manager account. Only people who are signed into the Search Ads 360 manager account can see the item.

Manager account level ownership allows agencies to create and apply custom data that is available only within the manager account (known as the agency account in the previous Search Ads 360). People who are signed in to a sub-manager account (known as the advertiser account in the previous Search Ads 360)  can’t access a manager-account owned item unless they are signed in to the manager account.

Sub-manager account ownership

A Search Ads 360 sub-manager owner account specifies that an item is visible when signed into the sub-manager or manager account above the sub-manager account. Even though someone who is signed in to the manager account can see all of the items within each sub-manager account below it, sub-manager account owned items can only be applied to items under that sub-manager account.

For example, an automated rule that is owned by a sub-manager account can only apply a label that is owned by the sub-manager account to campaigns, ad groups, and keywords under the sub-manager account.

An automated rule that is owned by a manager account can apply a label that is owned by a sub-manager account or the manager account. If the label is owned by the manager account, the label can be applied to items under the manager. If the label is owned by a sub-manager account, the rule will only apply the label items under the sub-manager account that owns the label. Items under other sub-managers will be ignored even if they match the rule criteria.

Client account ownership (Google Ads only)

Labels that are owned by a Google Ads client account, can only be applied in that client account.

Client-account-owned labels are visible in reports and filters.

Default owner and scope when creating an item

Two factors determine your owner account (or owned by) options - the account that you’re signed in to and the level you’re scoped to in the hierarchy. When signed in to a manager account and scoped to a lower account in the hierarchy, you can select an owner account that is at or above it in the hierarchy if the item allows you to choose an owner. (By default, items are owned by the manager account or sub-manager account that you’re signed in to.)

For example, if you’re signed in to a manager account and scoped to a sub-manager account or lower, the default owner will be the manager account. You can choose the sub-manager account as the owner account.

Note that for certain bulk actions, such as uploads and bulk edit, the owner field isn’t shown when you create the action. The owner is shown on the Bulk actions page. The default owner for such items is the manager or sub-manager account that you're signed in to.

Change history

Regardless of ownership, changes made by users and items are visible in change history and on the bulk uploads pages of the manager account or sub-manager account that you’re signed in to.

If you’re signed in to a sub-manager account, the change history log will include the changes made by an automated rule that is owned by a manager account, but you won’t be able to see the name of the rule or the rule's owner account.

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