Asset Library overview

The Asset Library, located on Studio's Assets tab, is a repository that creative agencies can use to upload and organize Rich Media creative assets. Assets can be used in multiple creatives, so agencies can share them across various campaigns in their Studio account. They can easily pull them into new creatives.

Depending on the type of creatives you're using, you can use the Asset Library for a variety of reasons:

Standard Rich Media creatives: You can make any Standard Rich Media creative dynamic by swapping out images or videos while the campaign is live with a few clicks.

Dynamic creatives: You can use the Asset Library to host your dynamic assets and easily reference them from within your dynamic feed. All assets will use a secure protocol automatically.

In general, creative agencies can use Asset Library to manage, host and share assets related to their creatives across various campaigns.

Navigate through the folders

Use the left-hand panel to navigate through your asset folders. All of your Advertisers, Campaigns and Creatives you build in Studio are automatically added as a folder into the Asset Library. There are four different types of folders you'll see in the Asset Library:

  Advertiser folder: Advertiser folders are created by Studio. There is one advertiser folder for each advertiser in your Studio account and it contains subfolders representing each campaign for that advertiser. If you'd like to share assets across all campaigns of an advertiser, you can create your own custom folders at the advertiser level and put advertiser-wide creatives there.

  Campaign folder: Campaign folders are also created by Studio. There is one campaign folder for each campaign of a given advertiser. A campaign folder contains all the creative assets for that campaign and may contain creative subfolders. If you want to further organize your campaign-wide creative assets, you can create your own custom folders within the campaign folder.

  Creative folder: Created by Studio, creative folders contain the creative assets used in a particular creative. You can't upload additional assets to a creative folder in the Asset Library Tab. However, you can upload assets into a custom folder, see below.

  Custom folder: You can create custom folders directly within your account-level folder, or in either the Studio-created advertiser or campaign folders to further organize your assets. However, you can't create custom folders under the creative level in the Asset Library.

Understand the list of assets

When you navigate to a folder that contains assets, you'll see the assets listed in the Asset Library. Each asset uploaded to the Asset Library or synced over from the Creatives tab will be identified with a special icon. Here is a list of icons and some of the types of assets they stand for:

  Images (.png, .gif, .jpg)
  Videos (.avi, .mp4)
  Fonts (.ttf)
  .xml, .css
  .html, .js

This list doesn't include every file type, for the full list, go to supported file types.

In addition to the asset's file name you can see the number of creatives the asset is used in, and the date when they were last modified.

Used in: Indicates in how many creatives the asset is being used.

Last modified: Indicates when the asset has been most recently modified. When you replace an existing asset with a newer version, the date for Last modified will get updated to the date of the most recent upload.

Differences between the Creatives tab and the Assets tab

The Creatives tab is where you manage your Studio account, the advertisers you work with, their campaigns, and the creatives used in their campaigns. You can create new advertisers, associate the advertiser with your Campaign Manager 360 or Google Ad Manager account, create new campaigns and roadblocks, and create new creatives.

The Assets tab is different in that it's where you upload and organize creative asset files used throughout your account. The folders that Studio automatically creates in the Asset Library mirror the advertiser-campaign-creative hierarchy created in the Creatives tab. You can also create your own custom folders within the system-level, advertiser-level, and campaign-level folders in the Asset Library.

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