Dynamic feed column header restrictions

Certain words are not permitted to be used as column header names because they are also used as properties of the dynamic element object in the creative code. In addition, some punctuation cannot be used within a column header name. If Studio detects that one of these restricted words or punctuation marks is being used as a column header name, an error will be generated upon transformation.

List of restricted words

break case catch class
const continue debugger default
delete do else enum
export extends false finally
for function if implements
import in instanceof interface
let new null package
private protected public return
static super switch this
throw true try typeof
var void while with

Example: A column header cannot be titled "break"; however, "break1" is an acceptable column header name. 


List of restricted types of punctuation

{    }    (    )    [    ]    .    ;    ,    >    <    >    =    !    +    -    *    %    |    ^    ~    &    ?

Example: A column header cannot be titled "break-1"; however, "break1" is an acceptable column header name. If punctuation is required in the column header, it is best practice to use underscores ("_").


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