Open optimization

Open optimization allows the ad server to choose the most successful creative version to show on impression. This type of dynamic feed is the simplest to set up. Instead of creating rules or targeting columns to choose which rows of the feed to show, open optimization selects from all rows of the feed. This is useful for testing different content to determine which is most effective in getting users to click or convert. For example, if you want to test headline A vs. headline B, use open optimization to determine and serve the headline that's interacted with most. Other versions will continue to show, but will be a smaller percentage of the overall impressions.

When your campaign first starts, rows are randomly selected from the feed and performance data is gathered by the ad server. After enough data is gathered, the ad server begins to show the best performing creative rows more often. When optimization begins, 10% of impressions will continue to show a random selection of the eligible rows to test and explore the different creative versions. That way if another row begins to perform better, it will get selected instead.

Feed setup

Start with a feed template Refer to this sample feed structure as a starting point. There are two ways to setup a feed using open optimization:

  • In combination: If you want to optimize an exact combination of criteria, combine all dynamic aspects of the creative in the same feed. For example, in the above sample feed structure, there are four different creative versions which will optimize as a whole against each other.

  • Separately: If you want to optimize the dynamic elements of the creative separately, create a different feed for each element. For example, in this sample feed structure, the main portion of the creative, which includes headline, message, product image, and exit URL, are optimized separately from the CTA. Since the CTA is separated into its own feed, any CTA can be combined with any of the main versions of the creative, ultimately determining which CTA is the most effective.

Fill out the feed Follow these general feed instructions to begin adding columns and data to the feed.

Studio profile setup

After uploading the feed to the Studio profile, follow the below steps that are specific to open optimization strategies:

  1. Navigate to Step 2: Manage Data. In the "Data types and filters" section, select the appropriate field type for each of the columns in the feed. 

  2. Navigate to Step 3: Manage Rules. Confirm that the "Type" drop-down is set to Open and the "Rotation" drop-down is set to Optimized.

  3. Proceed with your profile setup.

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