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Custom metrics

Below are the three types of custom metrics, also referred to as custom events, available for rich media creatives. A designer can create up to 400 custom events per creative to track and report. These events can include any combination of the three types. However, at least one event must be an exit link, and there's a limit of 100 exit events. Custom metrics can be created and added only by the creative developer, but the event names can be changed at any time through the ad server interface. Once a metric is assigned to an ad, you can modify its properties (name, reporting label, and URL for exit events) in the ad server.

To learn about adding custom metrics to a creative, see Add custom tracking.

Metric Description

The number of times that a user interacts with any part of a rich media ad in a specified way (mouse-overs, mouse-outs, clicks, taps, data loading, keyboard entries, etc.). Any event that can be captured in the creative can be recorded as a counter.

The default aggregation is one event per impression (except for exit links, which are counted every time). For example, 100 users expand an Expanding ad. The number of expanding counters is 100, regardless of how many times a user expanded the ad.

Note: The creative developer can override the aggregation of Counters to allow them to track multiple times within a single impression.


The number of click-throughs generated by a rich media ad. The Exits section of the Events tab displays the name, reporting label, and exit URL of each event.

The time during which a user views and interacts with a specified part of a rich media ad. A creative can have multiple timer events, each timed independently.

This metric is presented per timer per impression. For example, if a timer is triggered twice, once for four seconds and once for six seconds, the report shows one timer event with a time of ten seconds.

Note: The creative developer can override the aggregation of counters to allow them to track multiple times in a single impression.

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