Deceptive practices

We do not allow:

  • enticing users to engage with content under false or unclear pretenses.
  • attempting to steal personal information or trick users into sharing personal information

    Example: Social engineering like phishing

  • promoting content, products, or services using false, dishonest, or deceptive claims.

    Examples: "Get Rich Quick" schemes

  • coordinating with other sites or accounts and concealing or misrepresenting your identity or other material details about yourself, where your content relates to politics, social issues or matters of public concern.

  • directing content about politics, social issues, or matters of public concern to users in a country other than your own, if you misrepresent or conceal your country of origin or other material details about yourself.

Tips for understanding this policy 

Misrepresentative content: Deceptive practices | Google Publisher Policies

For subtitles in your language, turn on YouTube captions. Select the settings icon Image of YouTube settings icon at the bottom of the video player, then select "Subtitles/CC" and choose your language.

The example image below shows what types of content may be deceptive practices.


Learn more about the commonly used policy terms and what they mean in the glossary

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