K Report AbuseMore optionsKristen MoeglingMember since 7/10/2019AchievementsTo start earning badges, sign up to be a Product Expert in our Product Expert Program open_in_new .ActivityNo recent activityPost historyAllPosts (1)Replies (1)RecommendedReply to When determining viewability does ActiveView use tab Infocus or window InFocus?Google Ad Manager•7/12/2019Thank you. Does this mean that in the instance that a user have one tab on on monitor and another on another monitor that both tabs can be considered viewable?When determining viewability does ActiveView use tab Infocus or window InFocus?Google Ad Manager•7/10/2019I am looking for technical specifications on how ActiveView determines if pixels are infocus. I am seeing two types of possible determinations: tab infocus OR window infocus. Does anyone know which ActiveView utilizes? 1 upvote 11 replies 2 Recommended answers