I got it to work. It is possible. Through google assistant on my phone and google chromecast with google tv, I went into google home made sure the device had permissions. Then on my phone I can say hey google pause tv, or launch tubi tv on chromecast.
In other words the issue is an issue but it doesent elaffect the waterproofing. It's still an imperfection that should be fixed when paying 700 dollars. If the frame to my tv was gapping there must of been a chinese manufacturing error and not a very pleasant presentation for a product to have for the next 2 years. But then again phsychologly it calms the people in distress momentarily.
Did you order it from Google ? Iv had the same problem sometimes but not with google. Sometimes the system glitches and gives a wrong tracking. I would definitely follow up though to get the correct tracking. Keep us posted
If you push it back in the unsettling subconscious thought that there is a speck of dust or crumb stuck in the non flawless phone. Like a dirty room. :(