Geoffrey Love
Member since 5/9/2024


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Yes, your first test confirms my understanding, when i type a new section continously with many changes, none of those changes show up as line out edits. If i go back to an earlier section or as you did wait a minute or so then the edit lines appear.  In fact if i stop for a minute or more a new end time is created. Many thanks!

No sensitive information so did not make a copy but opened access.  I think we may be using the terminology differently.  When I say edit I am looking for lines through words and clear changes, when i type the paragraph and make changes while I type those change do not show however, the new paragraph does show as a highlighted item.
The edits were made at 7:37, not 7:29 apologies

Hi Mr Shane  Please look at the 7:22 and 7:29 edit histories in the 7:22 I add a small paragraph on the bottom and made a number of changes as I typed it, none of those changes show as edits, only the completed paragraph is shown.  Then at 7:29 I made a number of changes to previously typed sections and those changes show as edits.  Based on that I believe that when you are doing original typing without going to edit history none of the changes you make as you type show as edits, which makes sense as then everything would be an edit.  It that correct
Do not know how to link or attach the document, can you follow my point?
Hi Mr Shane
Thank you so much for your help.  My question focuses on your first two words, if you make changes to them before going the edit history would those changes be captured as edits in edit history.  Please see attached document, need to figure out how to do that, may send a screen shot next.  While typing the last section I made numerous changes and corrections, then went to edit history and none of those changes were reflected.  I then made changes to sections that were done previously with their own edit history ending time stamp and those changes are show as edits.  Many thanks Geoff

"It is now 7:20 am on May 9 and I am testing to see if a starting time is created after not using the document overnight.  I will also make corrections as I type to see if these are reflected as edits in the document. Continuing to make changes and edits for the test. Will stop at 7:22"

 I made a number of changes as I typed the above piece and when I stopped and checked edit history none of them were shown as edits.  is there another way to see edits.
Hi Mr Shane. Many thanks for your responses.  A related question is that when I type an original paragraph in an existing document and make corrections as I type those changes have not been making edit history entries that i can see.  However, if I go back to a section of the document that I work on previously and make changes those are reported as edit history changes, is that correct?  Many thanks Geoff
Hi Mr Shane

If I type an original paragraph in an existing document for say five minutes all I see in edit history in that document is the time I stopped typing.  If the prior change was two hours ago I can not see that that paragraph required 5 minutes.  Does an original paragraph create any edit history entries that are reported.  Many thanks Geoff
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