Every business have been defined LESPi (Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional issues). Google, as a big company, I believe it also has been defined and the following link has been shown about the discrimination and other policy followed by Google.
"Discrimination is behaviour affecting the workplace, which can take place between Googlers, TVCs, clients, and/or customers, with the terms and conditions of the protected status."
(Services.google.com, 2020)
I believe this explained if google have broken one of the defined protected status, this means Google discriminated. And the Discrimination is the behaviour affecting the workplace and the following three person and I can be assumed as one of the customers of the google and been discriminated by the Google.
Actually we, my whole country and the whole nationality have been discriminated by the Google by not giving place. And you guys telling me this isn't the discrimination but just doing a business. Well a business without following rules and regulation is known as an illegal business, unethical business or unprofessional business. I do believe Google isn't this types of business.
If there is an issue in payment, there are a site call Payoneer (Finical service) which can connect to the Myanmar bank.
Services.google.com. (2020). [online] Available at: https://services.google.com/fh/files/blogs/policy_workplace_concerns.pdf [Accessed 26 Jan. 2020].