২৪/১২/২০১৯ থেকে মেম্বার হয়েছেন
কোনও সাম্প্রতিক অ্যাক্টিভিটি নেই
পোস্ট ইতিহাস
Not Accurate Detection by Google Console, Detected Unknown URL as Content Issues
Google Search Central•১৩/৩/২০২০
I own guardall.co.id
I'm little bit confused, Search Console - Mobile Usability detected this url https://guardall.co.id/tag/safety/feed/ as an issues. The issues are:
- Text too small to read
- Clickable elements too close together
- Viewport not set
It made me confused because when i opened the url, it shows a raw coding, not displaying like the other web pages.
Here is the coding https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aly2XI1t_gduW1zwur3M2seQKuISsgEX/view?usp=sharing
Till this time, i'm not clicking validate because i'm not sure about what should i do next.
Please anybody can help, what's going on and how to fix this issues?
Thank you for your help.

Hacked Title & Meta Description of Homepage
Google Search Central•২৪/১২/২০১৯
I need help to find how to fix my site title and meta description.
My site is using Indonesian language on seo title and meta description. But someone has hacked or injected files and change it become like this https://prnt.sc/qejcth
my seo title should look like this https://prnt.sc/qezc2d
I’ve do my best. I’ve inspect all files on file manager and several malicious files like this i've deleted https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f_CWk0YbKTfdyCrL2saVKzW-xKPYUCTE/view?usp=sharing.
But i have no idea how to fix this.
I've read articles on https://support.google.com/webmasters/thread/5302768?hl=en&authuser=0
I checked my homepage www.firecek.com and there is no injected url, it's look fine for me.
If you guys can help me, i will so grateful.
I’m using WordPress 5.3.2 i'm also using Yoast 12.7.1.
Thank you.
If you guys can help me, i will so grateful.
I’m using WordPress 5.3.2 i'm also using Yoast 12.7.1.
Thank you.