
Our software update is being released in phases. New features will gradually roll out across all regions. Stay tuned for updates.

Get help in an emergency using your Pixel phone

Use the Personal Safety app to save and share your emergency info. Your phone can contact emergency services automatically in some countries and with certain carriers.


Prepare for an emergency

Important: Anyone who picks up your phone can view your lock screen message and emergency information even with your phone locked. You can turn off this setting in the Personal Safety app.

Get help during an emergency

Make assisted emergency calls 

When you dial an emergency number on a Pixel phone (like 911 in the US), you'll find an "Emergency Number" screen with info and features to help during the emergency.

  • Most emergency operators should know these features (you can revert to a normal voice call)
  • No internet connection needed
  • No set-up needed

Find out about earthquakes in your area

Your phone can detect earthquakes in your area. To learn more about nearby earthquakes, open Google Search and search for "earthquake in [your city or region]."

To stop your phone from contributing to earthquake detection, turn off Google Location Accuracy.

Get alerts for nearby earthquakes

California, Oregon & Washington

Your phone can use your approximate location to send you alerts about nearby earthquakes of magnitude 4.5 and above. These earthquake alerts are based on data from ShakeAlert.

Greece & New Zealand

Your phone can use your approximate location to send you alerts about nearby earthquakes of magnitude 4.5 and above. These earthquake alerts are based on the Android Earthquake Alerts System.

Turn earthquake alerts on or off

Important: To get alerts, you must have Wi-Fi or data turned on.
  1. Open your phone’s Settings app.
  2. Tap Safety & emergency And then Earthquake alerts. 
  3. Turn Earthquake alerts on or off.
Earthquake alerts are on by default. You might not get alerts for all earthquakes in your area, and you will only receive alerts in supported countries. Occasionally, you may get an alert but not feel an earthquake in your location.

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