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Two-year extended repair program for Pixel 5a (5G)

Google is offering a two-year extended repair program for Pixel 5a (5G)s purchased in the U.S. for certain display- or power-related issues.

If you’re eligible for this program, you may receive a free repair for up to two years after your warranty expires for display or power issues including:

  • A blank or black screen when the phone is on
  • Power not turning on

Tip: There's no limit to the number of times a user may use this repair program.

Learn more about the warranty for your Google phone.

Issues that may be covered

Certain display or power issues may be covered, including a blank or black screen when the phone is on, power not turning on, or other display or power issues. 

For any other issues with your phone, you can:

Repair your phone

Important: To verify eligibility, when Google or an authorized service provider, like Asurion or uBreakiFix, receives your phone, before the repair, they inspect it and confirm any issues.

To check if your Pixel 5a (5G) is eligible for repair, you can bring your device to the nearest Asurion/uBreakiFix location or contact Pixel Support via chat or phone for mail-in repair. If your phone isn't eligible for repair through the two-year extended repair program, then there may be a fee to repair your phone.

Previous repairs

We contacted users who may have been affected by this issue. If you meet all of the criteria below, fill out this form.

  • Purchased your device through Google Store
  • Experienced this issue before June 30, 2022
  • Paid for a repair but didn’t receive an email from Google

You need to include:

  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • The phone’s IMEI
  • Proof of repair

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