Take a quick tour

Take a quick tour of Pinpoint's features by exploring one of the many publicly available collections:

  1. Open the Pinpoint workspace. Take a look at all the public collections available from news, government, and educational organizations. Choose a public collection to explore.
  2. Click a collection to open the Documents view for the collection. Look at the lists of documents and entities in the collection. Entities are people, organizations, and places mentioned in the documents.
  3. Click a few entities to see which documents contain all the selected entities. The document list adjusts as you click entities. Note that documents must contain all the selected entities, not any one of the selected entities. You can remove entities from your document filter by clicking the X next to a selected entity.
  4. Click a document to open it. Select some text on the page and click "Copy" to copy it to your clipboard.
  5. Click the back icon Back arrow to return to the Documents view for the collection.
  6. Enter some search terms and search the documents for those terms. Note that all terms you wrote must be found in a document for it to appear in the results. If you want to search for documents containing any of the terms, not just all the terms, separate terms with "OR" or a "|" character.
  7. Add some negative search terms--terms that must not be in the document. Add a dash without a space before a negative term like this: -dog
  8. Search for a term with synonyms, like "car". Notice that Pinpoint searches for synonyms, like "auto", and also matches plurals "cars". You can learn more about search rules here.
  9. Restrict your search by selecting an entity. Entities are listed in the Documents view, and can be added before or after a search. Only entities appearing in the listed documents will appear in the entities list.

If you have full access to Pinpoint, here's how to get started creating your own collection.


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